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Third Person's POV

Everything seems to be moving very fast. It seems like yesterday when Huda had a meeting with Yusuf in the coffee shop. Since then,they had three more meetings before finally taking the decision.

Not only was her marital status going to change today,but she was going to set herself free from the invisible shackles that held her bondage for a long time now.

The Nika'ah was going to take place in the mansion. It was going to be a lowkey marriage ceremony.

" who's that?" Huda's voice rang out at the knocking on her former bedroom's door. For the sake of formality, she had came back to the mansion for the wedding process.

The door pushed open lightly with Huda's back to the intruder. She was detangling her fiery hair locks paying ni attention to the person who just entered.

She rolled her eyes before turning to look at the person who refused to talk.

" Granny?" She exclaimed as the detangling comb fell from her hands landing on the carpeted floor.

She blinked again to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.
" wow...it really is you granny," she hugged her tightly.

" my dear,its been a while. I missed you," granny said ruffling her hair.

" I missed you too granny,"

After few minutes, Huda pulled away from the hug to look at her grandmother.
The eyes were still as bluish as she could remember, and hair was still the ginger one she'd play hairdresser with when she was little.

"Oh granny," she pulled her into another hug making her grandmother giggle.

"Okay dear," granny ruffles the hair once again. " let's get the bride ready. We wouldn't want to scare the groom away,would we?"

Huda suddenly bursts into laughter, the sound reverberating through the walls of her room.

" did I say something funny,Lucía?" She raised her eyebrow questioningly.

"Of course not granny, " she replied trying to swallow up the rest of the giggle.

Granny looked unconvinced. " why do I feel like you're not telling me the whole truth Lucía?"

" your accent".

" what happened to it?"

" it's a bit different now. Did you spend more than a month during your vacation to England?" Huda raised her brow in suspicion.

" what can a poor lady do? My daughters are workaholic and barely has time to come visiting. You can't blame me if I decided to enjoy my vacation for a little longer". Granny said dramatically,sitting on the bed.

" Your daughters live across the oceans and can't visit more than once in six months-"

" that's exactly what happens when they get hitched with a foreigner...they go far far away from their own mother,"granny huffed.

Huda smiled at the way granny flipped her ginger hair dramatically.
"You have four grandkids around you in Ireland,granny," she pointed out.

" those children will be the death of me someday. I still find it hard to believe that they're my blood," she grumbled.

" no one else finds their behaviours weird considerably the fact that you're the grandmother they inherited it from," she shrugged and picked up the detangling comb from the floor.

" what do you mean,young lady?" 

" chill granny," she winked and granny narrowed her eyes at her. "Teenagers can be wild sometimes. Puberty hit them hard that's all,"

"Well,your grandpa never got someone's daughter pregnant during his teenage years nor did he elope with any girl".

"Yeah,yeah. But you know your grandkids,they're all wild except Lily of course, and that's because she's still a toddler," she said attempting to put her hair in a chignon.

" atleast now,my hope has been rekindled," she motioned for her to come closer,and did the chignon neatly. " my great granddaughter is a total sweetheart, and cute too. Is she nearby?"

" Grandma's feeding her some sweets downstairs".

Someone knocked on the door before opening it.

" Mahdi!"

" hey sis," he then noticed her grandmother in the room. " Hello Anne," he greeted politely.

Granny simply nods without meeting his gaze.

She had demanded that he called her Anne when they met for the first time ten years ago,and had been nice to him. But after finding out what his mother and sisters did to her granddaughter, she felt no reason to be hospitable to any one of them.

" congratulations-" he was cut off by granny.

" wow,so soon. Okay then,she'll join you downstairs in few minutes, " her tone was flat giving no room for any other talk.

Mahdi gave her a polite nod and walked out of the room.

"That wasn't nice of you granny," Huda said once Mahdi closed the door behind him.

" I know," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I thought we agreed on being nice to Mahdi?" Huda scolded lightly.

" oh please, free a poor lady," she whined. " I still can't get over the fact that his parents made you go through all that happened ".

" that's in the past now,and I'm getting over it gradually".

" still doesn't change the fact that what they did was inhumane Lucía".

" woah...okay granny, " she said in mock surrender.

The room became quiet. Huda wrapping her hijab over her head while granny helped her with the pins.

" You know...sometimes I still regret allowing Elisa to get married to your father. If I had insisted strongly back then,all this wouldn't have happened to you...to her also," her voice thickened with emotions.

"The past is behind us now granny," Huda said pulling her into a passionate hug.

Her grandmother still have a hard time accepting Abu and her daughter's fate.

Her mother Elisa,just like her grandmother,was also an atheist. Until she met Abu on a business trip in Turkey. She had been wooed, and decided to tie the knot with him despite knowing that he had a wife with three kids;Mahdi,Surayya and Laiqa.

Granny had been furious at first. Her first daughter was planning on getting married to a foreigner, and that too,to a man from a country very far away from home.

Nevertheless, the marriage took place. But she never accepted Abu and the relationship with her daughter became very thin until the birth of Huda reached her ears.

Sadly,she loses her daughter;Elisa to leukaemia the following year. Demanding that she give Huda maternal care until she was old enough,granny took custody for Huda until she turned ten.

"Fine fine...but I don't remember us being the nice ones," she winked playfully and helped Huda with her necklace.

" of course granny. We're bi*ches forever,and don't give a damn about others" she winked back and they both laughed.

                                *     *    *

Hello guysssss!

We're very close to the end of Huda's story #UH. Approximately, just a chapter left and then probably an epilogue.

Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. Last chappie cooking up..see you soon 😉

                                Much love,

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now