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She poured the tea in both mugs and set one in front of her brother. A long sigh escaped her lips and she took a sip out of her mug.

" do you think this is okay? She keeps getting worse day by day,"

"I have no idea on what to do"

" do you think we should send her abroad? Maybe her condition might get better if she's in a new environment,"

" or maybe we should get her a companion," she added.

He let out an exasperated sigh at his sister's suggestion. If only it was that easy as she made it sound.

" you're well aware Maria what happened the last time I suggested that to her"

"We could still give it a try who knows,maybe she has taken interest in someone. We shouldn't give up on her Bhai"

" I don't ever want to put her in a situation that will lead to another trauma. It's difficult enough, me seeing her becoming a shadow of her former self-" he slowly brought the mug closer to his mouth.

"-I won't be able to forgive myself if she does something crazy to herself this time".

Just then, her phone blared. She picked it up immediately.
" yes... what?" She spared her brother who was now looking at her curiously, a scared glance.
" Alright, we'll be there shortly," she cut the call and swallowed nervously.
" What's wrong, Maria?"

" she fell off the stairs... Huda-"

Immediately, he rushed out of the room. Reaching there, Sama and Tahira were trying to carry her.

Frantically, he shouted at Ayesha who stood frozen at the sight in front of her.
" get the car key!"

Almost immediately, Mahdi barged in through the front door, visibly shaken.

He quickly carried his sister in his arm,dashing towards the garage. He opened the car and put her inside.

Without acknowledging any of his family members,he entered into the car and zoomed off.

" hurry up, will you!"

                     ****          ****

Mahdi continuously tapped his foot on the floor. It's been twenty minutes and yet,no response yet from both Huda and the doctors.

Seated at the other end was Sama,Tahira, Laiqa,Ayesha ,Anisa and Aunt Maria.
Abu was currently on the phone with some contractors and even though his voice was in a monotone,his rigid stance said it all.

The vibration in his pocket brought him back to the present. He looked at the caller's ID before answering it.

" Assallam Alaikum, how is she doing?"

" no progress yet,we are still waiting for the results, " he sighed.

"In Sha Allah, she's going to be alright. I'm at the reception, can we meet?"

"I'm sorry bro,but I can't leave my sister alone. Why don't you come upstairs, and let's have that conversation?"

The person on the other line sighed before clearing his throat.

" Okay, I'll just sign some papers,and come over".
" yeah, " he cut the call.

The doctor came out, and all of them rushed forward. He motioned for Abu and Mahdi to follow him ,which they did without hesitation.

"She's going to be fine. Although, she had hit her head badly, no damages were done," the doctor said after closing the door.
" Alhamdulillah, " they both muttered.

"Her body immune system is very weak and we've suspected that it's linked to depression,"

Abu gasps in shock while Mahdi had a look of indifference. Abu leaned forward in curiosity and asked the question that's been bothering him for a long time.

" Doc,is there any medical condition that perhaps we're not aware of?"

The doctor in return nods and opened a file.
"Are you aware that she's Anaemic and has been on pills since the previous year?"

Both men's faces held disbelief, but the doctor continued.

" she was also diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder that same year. I'm saying this as a friend Dr Mahdi, but she's going through a lot of mental stress at the moment ,and the least you can do to help her is to distance her from what triggers it "

" try engaging her in non stressful activities that she loves and make her to be able to confide in you. This will help her feel less alone in the mental battle she's going through ".

He nodded still trying to digest the new information he just learned. He was still finding it hard to believe that he's little sister was going through a lot and he had no clue.

" I've recommended the drugs for her. Make sure she doesn't skip any dose until its completed".
They both stood up shaking the doctor's hand in turn, and then left the office.

                        ***                 ***

Everyone looked shocked as Mahdi explained the situation to them. Laiqa and Tahira felt guilty. They had misunderstood Huda's attitude towards them. She couldn't help it,they realised. That was the only way she could let out some of her distress.

Ayesha and Anisa now understood why she had  sometimes behaved harsh and cold during their conversation.

The person that had it worse was Sama. She believed it was all her fault.

Maybe...just maybe if she hadn't forced her to make that decision few years back,everything would have been okay.
The poor girl wouldn't be suffering in silence and they would probably never be in this situation.

Mahdi drew his friend,who had just came in to a corner. He pinched his nose and asked what he would have never thought of asking his dear friend.

" Yusuf,I'm going to request you of this. Not as a therapist, but as my close friend-"

" is everything alright?" Yusuf asked confused. He had noticed the tension between the family when he had arrived, and hoped  that it was nothing extremely serious .

Mahdi grabbed Yusuf's hand and held it between his. He gulped down nervously and braced himself for the worse.

" marry my sister"


He mustered up courage and looked into his friend's eyes repeating his statement.

" I want you to marry my sister, Huda"

Author's  Note

Please you guys should motivate me by clicking on the star 🌟 and commenting. Let me know how you feel about the book. I'd really appreciate your feedback ❤.

If you find this book interesting, kindly tell your friends about it and share.

Yours sincerely,

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