16: 🌻

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Third Person's POV

Mahdi and Sophia had helped Huda with her luggage. She put them in the trunk of her car she had gotten as a birthday present from her father-in-law two years back.

"Is Abu aware that you're leaving today?" Sophia asked as she was stunned by the sudden change.

Huda didn't reply to her and Mahdi gave her a signal with his eyes to keep shut. Sophia understood this immediately and kept mute.

"Well be going now, Sophia, " Mahdi acknowledged her presence and got into the driver's side.

Huda also entered the car fastening her seatbelt. She stared ahead of her without saying a word.

The mansion was empty. All the guests were long gone after the whole staircase incident earlier. The only signs that showed that an event took place was the hanging of fake flowers and lights around the mansion. Then the rose petals scattered on the ground around the premises.

"Take care of yourself, Huda," Sophia smiled at her and waved.

Huda took her by surprise when she replied. "Thanks, take care of yourself too".

Her eyes bulged out of their sockets, and mouth agape, Sophia merely registered what Huda said as the car zoomed off.
"Did she just reply to me nicely or am I hallucinating?" She asks no one in particular.

                              *  *  *
Huda and Mahdi moved her things in after signing the lease contract. The apartment was on the third floor of the seven-storey building. Fortunately for them, there was an elevator in the building.

She unlocked the room with the key card given to her. Mahdi turned on the lights and wheeled in two of her suitcases.

Huda took a look around the room for the second time. The first time she had been here was a week ago when she had decided to move out of the mansion. Though she had accessed the room, she had been uninterested in the room decor and had barely paid attention to the settings in the room.

There was a painting of the sunset in the woods just above the bed. The queen-sized bed was positioned in a way that was adjacent to the direction of the qibla. There was also a television, sound system, refrigerator and reading table in the room.

" If you had let me know on time, I would have gotten you a much more comfortable apartment," Mahdi said grumbling. This brought a smile to Huda's lips.

This apartment was one of the best in the vicinity, and she knew that he wasn't joking when he said he would have gotten her a better one. But she didn't need a more flashy place, it would be a waste of money. Besides, that would ruin her plans of starting afresh if she still kept living her life extravagantly.

" you're the best brother I could ever ask for," she said tugging at his cheek playfully before proceeding to open the window blinds.

Mahdi made a low grunt at the back of his throat and made his way to the washroom. He surveyed the interior of the washroom from the ceiling to the checked the safety of the place, rolled his eyes and came out.

This apartment was nothing compared to the one he could have gotten her. It looked plain cheap, and that pissed him off. She was a Sultan for goodness sake!

He wasn't running a pharmaceutical store and attending to hospital patients for nothing, he was doing that to be able to provide for his family's needs and wants.

"So, what's your next move now?" He asks casually as he took a seat on the sofa in the room.

Huda looked away from the suitcase she was currently unpacking with a far-away look in her blue eyes.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now