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This chapter is dedicated to TheOmoope

Third Person's POV

No sooner has the words left her mouth did a harsh sound reverberate through the room. Anger flared in her eyes as Huda looked at Laiqa who had just slapped her on the cheek.


However, Laiqa paid no attention to her mother's voice which had a warning undertone. Who does Huda think she was to cause a commotion on her wedding day and then accuse her of murder?

"Watch your tongue around me, Huda! I won't tolerate you making such accusations at my mother or me. Isn't it bad enough that you've managed to steal the spotlight on our wedding day? Now you want to ruin our marriage by accusing us of murder. How shameless of you!"

Everyone in the room listened with rapt attention as they watched the two sisters stare murderously at each other.

However, the look on Huda's face frightened them all. Abu and grandma who had never witnessed this side of Huda were astonished.

Sure, they've heard about the recent rift between the sisters and Sama, but they hadn't expected it to be full of so much hatred.

At this point, Abu was starting to question himself if he had brought up his daughters in the right way.

" Huda, can you elaborate on the accusation? " Aunt Maria asked with a soft voice.

" I don't need to repeat myself! They are all bunch of disgusting ingrates. And to think that I took my life's major risk on their behalf," her voice was scarily calm despite the thick tension in the air.

She let go of the cheek she had been holding due to the slap and faced Sama directly. Huda noticed the subtle clenching of her jaw as she warned her with her emotionless eyes to keep shut.

What are you so afraid of, Sama?

" tell everyone in this room the truth this instant! "

Sama visibly paled. She sneaked a look at her husband to find him already watching her with curiosity and disbelief.

" are you trying to put words in my mother's mouth? She has absolutely no idea on what you are talking about, "

" keep quiet!-" Huda ordered with a cold and authoritative voice. " I haven't asked you to explain yet".

She focused her attention back on Sama. If there was something that she had learned over the years that she had been under this woman's care, it was that she despise confrontation as it made her feel uncomfortable.

" Ummu, what's Huda talking about? "

Tahira who was clueless before was starting to suspect that their mother was ed to whatever it is that Huda had accused her of.

Besides, who was Janan and what was her connection to all this?

Seeing as Sama wasn't going to talk, and was only wasting her time, Huda went back to where she was sitting before and slowly sat down. Sama and her daughter had no idea how they were mentally punishing her right now.

On the outside, she looked arrogant as she sat down cross-legged, but only she could feel the blood pumping furiously at the game both mother and daughter was playing.

"Sama forcefully got me married to Dawud seven years ago," she pronounced each word slowly.

" what do you mean?"

" Grandma, that marriage between Dawud and I seven years ago was forced. I never willingly gave my consent to the union, she made me do it".

The shock was written all over Abu, grandma and Aunt Maria's faces. Why does this sound like a scene straight out of the recent soap operas that Grandma and Ayesha had binged?

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now