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Happy Friday/Jummah Mubarak guys!

Third Person's POV

The Sultans were all present at the hospital. It's been twenty minutes since they had rushed the little girl and Huda to the hospital. This was the second time in a week that Huda was spending more time in a hospital rather than her room.

Amidst the tension between the Sultans, the doctor appeared in their line of view.
" Doc, how are they doing?" Abu was on his feet almost immediately anxiously.

" Huda is okay now, she was stressed, that's all"
When the doctor said this, Abu felt relief instantly.
" and who are the parents of the little girl?" He asked confused on seeing many pairs of eyes staring at him.

Mahdi looked to his right only to find Yusuf missing. He had been there just a few minutes ago. Where could he have possibly gone while his daughter was in the emergency ward?

The rest also followed his line of vision for the sight of Yusuf. Grandma sighed in disapproval at the negligence the young man just displayed.

" Please hold on, I'll give him a call," Mahdi pleaded with the doctor who was growing impatient by the minute, and fished out his phone, dialling Yusuf's number.
It rang without any response, and Mahdi tried his line for the second time.
There was shuffling on the other line as the call was answered.

" where are you bro, the doctor's here,"

Only a few murmuring was heard, then it sounded like the phone was being repositioned as there was a shuffling sound.
" I have given a call a few minutes ago, and I'm on my way there. There's an emergency case I have to attend to," Yusuf told him in a calm and collected voice over the phone.

Mahdi sighed. He knew and understood the nature of their job, and he felt himself start to calm down. At least Yusuf didn't neglect his daughter, so it was all good.
" Okay, I'll talk with the doctor on your behalf, "

" thanks, bro, I better go now," he replied hurriedly and ended the call.

Mahdi looked up to find several pairs of eyes looking at h I'm anticipation. The doctor had an eyebrow raised in scrutiny.
" He's out on an emergency, so I'll be representing him," Mahdi announced.

" It's alright then. She has a fracture in her right leg due to the fall, and we'll be putting her leg in a cast. You'll need to get her a wheelchair. Buy the recommended drugs and you can take her home in the next twenty-four hours".

Mahdi thanked the doctor, shook his hands and walked in the direction of Huda's hospital room. He pushed open the door lightly. She was lying facing the ceiling.
" How are you feeling Lil sis?" He asked sitting down on the chair beside the bed.

She glanced at him for a few seconds before returning her gaze to the ceiling. Her lips were in a straight line, and her eyes were devoid of any emotions. This scared Mahdi,  as she had never given him the cold shoulder before no matter how angry she was with him.

" do you feel pain anywhere?" He asked as a failed attempt of having a conversation with her.

When she still didn't answer or act like she heard what he said, he let out a shaky breath.  This was one of his biggest fear s, what happened a few hours ago probably triggered some unpleasant memories.

" When can I go back to the mansion?" Huda whispered. He almost didn't hear what she said as her voice was unbelievably soft and fragile.

He grabbed her right hand and squeezed it time,  she looked at him, and he was frightened at the vulnerability that was shown in her eyes.
" I'm always here for you, Huda. Don't ever forget that, okay?" He reassured her and she blinked at him once as a way of nodding.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now