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As soon as I successfully parked the car back into the garage, I dragged myself out while rubbing my temples which hurts as hell. Pushing the door open with the strength I couldn't imagine I still had in me, I made my way upstairs until a hand grabbed my elbows, pulling them back.

" what do you want?" I didn't bother to ask who it was. Only one person had the guts to do that in this mansion.
"Huda, what is wrong with you?" Sama asked fiercely.

I shrugged her hand away from my elbow, slightly arching my body to face her. " in as much as I'd like to have a conversation with you right now, I'm afraid I can't."

And that would have been a cue for her to leave me alone if only she took hints. My shoulders slumped and I finally raised my eyes to meet hers. Why does her head seem bigger now? And was that a rake in her hand?
My head felt very light, and I stumbled a little when I took a step further.

" Huda, why are coming in at this time of the night looking haggard?"
I shook my head in annoyance. " take a hint Sama, and let me be."

Suddenly, she was in my front sniffing my dress. Her nose scrunched in distaste and she placed both hands on my shoulders, making me halt in my steps.

" Have you been drinking?"

" That's none of your business," I said in a clipped tone.

"When did this start?" She pushes her face closer to mine, her breath fanning my nose.

"You of all people should know that this is very wrong under any circumstances and it's Haram in Islam. "

Groaning, I successfully pushed away her hands, my head thumping with the rash movement. " Sama, I'm tired. Can you do the lecture in the morning?" I drawled out motioning for her to get out of the way.

"do you think I'll let you get away with this easily? For Allah's sake Huda, listen to me and drop that childish attitude of yours?"

My head snapped in her direction, eyes narrowing. " I'm childish?"

"You're a responsible lady, do you have to do this?" She rubbed her face in exhaustion.

" I never asked you to meddle in my life!"

Breathing in from my nose and exhaling through my mouth, I shut my eyes tightly, wishing the voices and echoes in my ears would stop. I could faintly hear Sama's voice in the background lecturing me. She kept on going on and on about intoxication in Islam and why I shouldn't drink and whatnot.

I jerked when I felt a cold hand on my warm cheeks. My eyes opened and I stare at the woman who had been the roots of my dilemma.
"what is it?" I snapped.

"I asked you when you started taking alcohol".

" why?" I snorted. "So you can run to Abu, and tell him about his rebellious daughter's action? Or maybe to have your final opportunity to throw me out of my home?"

Sighing, I stood up, trying hard to maintain balance as my legs felt like jelly, but I wasn't going to sit and watch her tell me what to do with my life. The same life she ruined.

"I hope someday you will find the inner you. The real Huda and not what you've become of now. I sincerely pray you'll find light in your heart and life once again " she said in a small voice.

I stared at her face, baffled. " what the jahannam?" With a final look at her overall appearance, I hissed, matching upstairs to my room.

The look on her face started to piss me off. Who was she to look at me like a lost puppy who needed help? And what was that 'find light in your heart and life' bla bla bla?

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now