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The picture above is how I envisioned Surayya to look like. Feel free to imagine her as someone else. It's just my imagination, lol.

Ironically, I used to hate attention.
Well... Too much attention, especially in a negative way.
It made me want to bury myself in a hole and never come out. Theoretically speaking though.
But time has changed and so many things had happened in the last six years, that I find the pleasure in creating a scene.

As soon as my name came out of Tahira's lips, I turned raising my eyebrow at her.
Now what?
"what do you have to say now, ya ukti?"
She cleared her throat nervously and glanced at her sister for help. Laiqa merely shrugged and went back to her phone.

"where have you been all night? We've been worried sick about you, "

" well I didn't ask you for a vigil, did I?"
Sama cleared her throat awkwardly , and adjusted her sitting posture. I knew what she was going to do, try and play the worried mother role.

"I don't want to hear any bullshit that's going to come from you. I'm exhausted in case you didn't notice, "

" how dare you talk to our mother like that! "

Well by now, you should know who just said that. She's pretty much the only one who tries to match up with Surayyah's madness.

" well, I'm sorry -" I replied sarcastically. "-your mother really needs to stop meddling in my life. She's done enough already and I'm not going to tolerate that anymore,"
She became silent but still glaring at me. Tahira put her hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down.

"what have she ever done to you? What have we ever done to deserve the harsh words every time you open your mouth? Do-" Anisa boldly stepped forward.

"I wouldn't complete that if I were you. You really need to get your eyes checked this time and stop living in that illusion that ' your mother and sisters ' created. You're a smart kid Anisa, so use that brain for your benefit this time "

I watched as she stared at me before stomping off and heading upstairs with her twin right behind her.
At least they didn't put Abu's brilliant gene to shame by arguing with me.

" what are you doing? "

" she's crying, obviously you hurt her feelings. You're being ungrateful to someone who took care of you like hers, " Tahira retorted.
I sigh.

" I'm really exhausted and here my siblings and their mum are displaying their acting skills... I just don't get why I have to face drama every time I set my eyes on you guys. Take a hint, and let me be! "

" Huda come back here! "
Well that was Laiqa, but I shunned her and went to my room. Abu is so lucky being at Turkey while I face my dramatic family here at home.
Very lucky indeed.

But let's look at the bright side, very few days left and I won't have to endure their attitude. Good riddance!
As soon as I entered my room, I dropped my phone on the bed, and entered the washroom.

* * *
I sat down on the chair in my balcony and lit the cigarette. Staring into the sky, my mind drifted to what had happened earlier today. They really didn't know who to mess with.

I heard a knock on the door and moved towards it. I opened it and saw the last person I want to set my eyes on before sleeping.

"any problem? " hissing, I puffed out the smoke from my mouth.
She slightly coughed before pushing past me into my room.

" and who gave you the permission to sit on my bed? "

" Huda, can we please have a civil conversation please? I really need you to listen to me, " she said softly.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now