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After landing in Lima, Ohio.  Mr. Sanchez surprised everyone by having a stretch limo waiting for them at the airport hanger. 

Once the limo was all packed up with everyone's belongings and everyone seated and buckled in, the driver had specific instructions to drive to Brittany and Santana's new home. 

As the limo is driving down a long almost empty street leading up to a house on the left side of the street as the limo was slowing down, Kyle was the first to say something.

"Is this our new house?" Kyle asked

"Yes, it sure is buddy, what do you think?" Brittany asked

"Wow, it's so big, I never had a front and back yard before!" Kyle mentioned with big eyes and a smile on his face.

Everyone just looks at each other with surprised looks.

"Wait, the house does look bigger than the last time I saw it, doesn't it Mom's and Dad's?" Brittany asked looking out the window and then looking at both sets of parents.

'It looks bigger to you Sweetie, why is that?" Whitney asks

"Well, even though I've only seen the pictures  of it that you all sent me when I first spoke to you all about looking for a house near you all, do you remember?" Brittany replied

"Well, it's because it is a little different sweetheart," Pierce mentioned

"Wait, what, I don't get what's going on here?" Santana questioned

"Well Mijia, we promised we wouldn't  say anything until we arrived" Miguel stated

'What do you mean you promised? Who promised who and what was promised?" Santana questioned again

🎶 {Queso Por Dos} {Fondue for Two} Brittany's cell phone rings 🎶

"Hello" Brittany answered

"Hola Brittany, this is Mr. Sanchez, how was the flight?" Mr. Sanchez asked

"Hola Senor Sanchez, the flight was nice, thank you so much for letting us use the company jet" Brittany cooed

"No problemo Brittany, have you made it to your new home yet?" Mr. Sanchez asked

"We are pulling up right now, but the house looks different than before?" Brittany asked

"It does, does it, like how do you mean?" Mr. Sanchez questioned

"Yes, Sir, well it seems bigger than I remember," Brittany stated

"Well, that's because it is bigger than before, after the purchase of the house, I spoke with your dad and father-in-law and we all decided that the house needed a little make-over." Mr. Sanchez mentioned.

"We can't thank you enough for all that you have done for us Mr. Sanchez" Brittany replied

"Enjoy your new home and I'll touch base with you in a few days, in order for you and your family to get settled in, my love to your family, take care." Mr. Sanchez said

"Thank you once again for everything Mr. Sanchez, give our love to your wife as well as Diego and Cortez talk to you in a few days. Bye, Mr. Sanchez." Brittany replied

Brittany turns her phone off.

The limo pulls up all the way to the end of the driveway.

"Brittany, Mijia, here are the keys, why don't you and Santana go in first and we'll keep an eye on the boys just for a few minutes and then you both come back and take your boys into your new house together" Miguel suggested

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