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"I just can't stay at my mother-in-law's place, I just can't," Quinn said over the phone.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Santana asked as she walked into the den with two bottles of water. 

"Q San just walked in, one sec okay," Britt informed.

"Put me on speaker please," Quinn requested.

"Okay Q you're on speaker, we're all ears," Brittany said patting the space next to her on the little loveseat.

"Hey Q, how you holdin' up?" Santana asked.

"I just can't stand the thought of staying at my mother-in-law's place during my stay there, guys, I just can't!" Quinn blurted out.

"Look Q, we understand completely, I'm sure San doesn't mind you staying here with us and the boys for the short time you'll be in Lima?" Brittany offered.

"I couldn't impose on you and your family"! Quinn quickly replied.

"Q, you are family!!!" Santana stated.

"You can sleep in our room and Santana, and I can either sleep in the den with Lord and Lady Tubbington or in the family room, we have plenty of room!" Brittany announced.

"I can't sleep in your guy's room, that wouldn't be right. I can't let you do that." Quinn answered.

"Quinn, you're pregnant, and sleeping on a couch or an air mattress is not good for you, we insist you take our bedroom." Santana insisted

"Thank you for your generosity but I'm not traveling alone and we can't impose on you and your family, that's one of the reasons why I can't stay with my mother-in-law.", Quinn said faintly and quickly

"Hold up, what was that?" Santana asked

"I couldn't make out what she said, it was all low and fast." Brittany chimed in

"Q, come again?" Santana asked

"I said that I'm not traveling alone, Quinton will be going with me and we don't want to impose on you guys," Quinn responded

"Um Q, whose Quinton?" Brittany asked

"He's just a friend that has been here for me since you all left back to Lima," Quinn answered

"Q is this a friend with a little f or a big F?" Santana smirked

"Santana please," Quinn hissed back.

"Yeah uh hu, I'll check back with you in six months with the same question?" Santana volleyed back

"How did the two of you meet?" Brittany questioned

"Really Brittany, you're asking me that?" Quinn said

"What, I don't remember meeting anyone by the name of Quinton Q" Brittany stated

"Doctor Quiznon or shall I say Dr. Q" Quinn replied

"Wait, what?" Santana stammered

"Doctor Q will be traveling with me for moral support for Puck's funeral and that is why I can't stay at my mother-in-law's because I don't need to hear any flack from her, thinking that I already shacked up with the first guy I met." Quinn cried

"Um well, Q, it does raise a little red flag don't you think?" Santana said

"We're just friends and when the gang is too busy, Quinton checks in on me and we've become friends, nothing more," Quinn announces

Brittany and Santana just look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Q," Santana says with a smirk

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