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The next morning, Santana went in to check in on the boys before returning back to her bedroom. 

Brittany was in the restroom brushing her teeth when Santana came in and handed Brittany the business card.

"I meant to give this to you last night?" Santana said still holding the card

"Wuts dat," Brittany asked with a foam-filled mouth of toothpaste.

"Oh, I also forgot to tell you that your girlfriend was here waiting for you when our boys and I got home yesterday evening!" Santana said with a little annoyance in her voice.

Brittany wiped the excess toothpaste from her mouth and said, " My what, what are you talking about?" 

"You heard me, your girlfriend!!" Santana stressed out.

"San, I don't have a girlfriend, I have a wife, a hot and at the moment a jealous wife!" Brittany  said reassuringly 

"Yeah, well, I didn't like the way she was talking to you yesterday, she's up to something and I know it, I can feel it, Babe, she's bad news," Santana said strongly

Brittany placed her hands on the sides of Santana's waist and slid her over so that they were facing each other. Santana still holding the card in her hand.

"Hunny, you have nothing to be worried about, I love you and you love me and we are married, that's forever. Nothing or no one is going to get in the way of what we have. Okay. " Brittany said looking down to catch Santana's eyes while rocking slowly side to side. 

"So what are you gonna do about Miss twatwat's card?" Santana said

"This is what I'm gonna do with the card" Brittany gets the card from her wife's hand and drops it in the trashcan as she leans down to press a kiss on Santana's lips.

Soft moans can be heard as Brittany picks up Santana and places her on the bathroom counter not breaking the kiss. Santana opens her legs and pulls Brittany closer to her to deepen the kiss. They pull away and look at each other.

"Just please be careful around her babe, please for me" Santana requested

"You've got nothing to worry about, but if it makes you feel better, I will be extra careful around her from this day on," Brittany promised

Shortly after breakfast the family of four splits into groups of two's.  Brittany was out in the backyard with Kyle kicking the soccer ball back and forth to each other. Santana was in the house watching Santino interact with the cats on the floor in the den. 

{Ring Ring} - Brittany's cell phone rings.

Brittnay reaches into her jeans back pocket to grab her phone to answer the call

"Hello" Brittany answers

"Hello Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, this is Mr. Duncan, how are you and the family doing?" Mr. Duncan asks

"Oh, hi Mr. Duncan, we're doing fine, I'm actually in our backyard kicking the soccer ball with Kyle, and San and the baby are in the house, how are you doing? " Brittany informed

"That's good to hear, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. kyle getting settled in nicely?" Mr. Duncan asked

"Yes, he is, in fact, yesterday we got him registered for the third grade at Lima Elementary School !"  Brittany stated.

"Glad to hear that, um Brittany I have some news to tell you?" Mr. Duncan expressed

Meanwhile inside the house with Santana and Santino. Santana's cell phone rings

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