Second Strike

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Santana, Maribel, Whitney, and Kyle surround the bed watching Brittany cry in pain.

"Oh no no no no!!!!" Brittany hysterically cried covering her eyes with her left hand while punching the bed with her right hand while her right leg was stabilizing her balance whereas her left leg was bent up on the mattress as the heel of her left foot was close to hitting her butt and her face red as a tomato from the pain she was enduring.

"Oh my god Britt, tell me where's the pain at, your foot, or your ankle, what, where?" A worried Santana asked her injured wife.

"Heee, hoo, hee, hoo...(Brittany breathing rapidly from the pain) San I heard a snap!!!," Brittany winched clenching her jaw.

"Babe, it's gonna be okay, you're okay, I'm gonna take you to get checked out right now, I'll call Sam to come and pick you up, don't move," Santana said.

"Mija, I think you should call the ambulance," Maribel informed looking between Santana and her daughter-in-law.

{Knock knock}

Two police officers are standing in the doorway of Brittany and Santana's bedroom.

"Pardon the intrusion ladies, young man, but is there a Brittany S. Pierce here?" The taller officer asked

"There's a Brittany S Pierce-Lopez here Officer, she's my wife and as you can see, she's in a lot of pain, she was hit by a car earlier and I'm getting ready to call for an ambulance to have her get checked out," Santana informed

"Well, Mrs. Pierce-Lopez is it, that's why we're here?" The shorter office replies

"Can't the questioning wait until later so I can take her to the emergency room Officer?" Santana asked

"We'll radio for the ambulance and as we wait, we'll just ask a few questions, is that okay with you all?" The taller Officer explained

The three ladies shook their heads in agreement and then looked at Brittany shaking her head too.

"Um...excuse me Officer, I was there when my mom got hit by the car and I can tell you everything so my moma can take my mom to the emergency room instead please?" Kyle asked looking up at the Officer as he leaned next to Brittany.

"Just one moment, Son..." The shorter Officer was saying as he got interrupted.

"I'm Not your son, I'm theirs," Kyle said sternly pointing to Brittany and Santana.

"Young man, we will get your statement in a moment, we need to get a statement from your mom first okay ?" The taller Officer explained

"It's okay Kyle," Brittany said reaching for Kyle's hand.

As the policemen were taking Brittay's statement Maribel approached Santana.

"Mija, if you don't mind can Whitney and I pack the boy's suitcases so that we don't wait till the last minute? " Maribel asked Santana.

"Sure mom." Santana replied


The doorbell rings

"I wonder who that could be?" Santana asked looking aroud the room as everyone shruged

Moments later a knock on the bedroom door was heard

"Come in" Santana announced

"Mijia, there's another Policeman here with a person of intrest and the paramedics too." Miguel informed

As the paramedics placed Brittany onto the gurrny Santana said "You hurt her and I'll hurt you got it!"

"San please" Brittany responded

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