Really San!🥰

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"Oh my, so what happened next?" Maribel asked leaning in on the kitchen table.

"Well, San got so worked up with what Steve said under oath mind you, and could not contain herself and stood up knocking her chair down and making everyone in the courtroom jump and some even ducked for cover because it sounded like a gunshot really saying {"I'm gonna go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass for not only neglecting him but leaving him and then return with two hoe's and"} then Judge Thompson, unfortunately, had to hit his gavel and said that if Santana didn't calm down then she'd be held in contempt," Brittany said rubbing her wife's back 

"Aye, Mijia," Maribel said reaching to hold her daughter's hand

"Mama, I know, I'm sorry. I always go to the yelling place. I have rage." Santana said softly looking down 

"Mijia, you know you could have gotten thrown in jail for that outburst!"  Miguel stated looking worried at his daughter.

" I know Papa, it's just if you had seen that horrible video you would have done the same especially when Steve tried to deny everything," Santana said trying to whisper because Abuela, Kyle, and Santino were just a few feet away playing on the floor in the family room.

" I can't believe he tried to deny his actions when it was all caught on tape, so what happened then?" Whitney asked

" Judge Thompson had Steve rise from his seat to hear his fate. But, before he did he had asked Kyle if he wanted to be present or excused from the courtroom again because Judge Thompson didn't want to subject Kyle to see the video which could potentially damage him more than he already is for losing his mom and baby brother and then just recently his dad." Santana said

"So what did Kyle say?" Pierce asked

"Kyle asked to be excused and asked if his Mama could go with him instead of one of the court officers," Brittany said

"So Kyle and I walked out of the courtroom and waited in the hallway, and it was driving me crazy not knowing what was going on on the other side of the courtroom doors," Santana said 

"I knew it was driving you crazy and Judge Thompson just went off on Steve and his lawyer tried to cut in but Judge Thompson didn't give him the chance and sentenced him to 25 years with a supervised one-hour video chat per month with Kyle up until he's 18 and then if he decides to continue he can or he can end all ties on his 18th birthday," Brittany said

"I still can't believe you agreed to that!" Santana replied

"San, I told you over and over again that I had nothing to do with that stipulation," Brittany countered

"Okay, and so then what happened with Quinn?" Miguel asked

"Yes, Quinn, well when Britt and I were asked to go to the police station to view the horrific video we get a broken-up phone call from Kyle and found out that Quinn slipped down our new set of stairs, oh and by the way you have to see the way the apartment in New York looks it's so amazing" Brittany stammered

"Britt, focus babe," Santana said cutting in

"Right, sorry, Kyle heard the commotion and ran to Quinn and told her not to move and then saw that she was bleeding and he called 911 and stayed on the phone with the dispatcher until helped arrived" Brittany  gushed

"Wow, for a 7-year-old he sure knew what to do," Maribel cooed

"Because the phone call was cutting in and out, the Police Chief asked for our address and checked for a dispatch and found out the information and was on our way to the hospital with sirens on and speeding and weaving in and out of traffic and Judge Thompson said that he was gonna puke and then San said that she'd do the same thing if he did. But we made it in record time to the hospital." Brittany informed

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