Empty Nest (Literally)

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It was nearing late afternoon when the delivery trucks finally arrived. A few hours late because of a bad traffic accident on the highway.  

"Better late than never," Brittany said

"Exactly sweetheart," Pierce said

Mr. Lopez, Mr. Pierce, and Kyle arrived about thirty minutes before the delivery trucks arrived. Santino stayed with both his grandmas so that he wouldn't get hurt or in the way when the furniture arrived. They had brought Santino's things from Mr. Lopez's garage. 

Mr. Sanchez kept calling the furniture company to get updates and when he found out that the trucks were stuck on the highway because of the terrible car accident, he decided to do a little something to help out the best way he could. 

Once the first truck opened its back rollup door Kyle noticed a limo driving up the street.

"Look Mom another Limo?" Kyle said pointing to the slowing Limo

"Huh, I wonder who that could be?" Brittany said looking down at Kyle

"Babe, were you expecting anybody?" Santana asked as she walked up to her wife.

"Nope, you?" Brittany redirected the question

"Me either, Kyle Hunny stay close to your grandpa's, please" Santana ordered

"Yes Momma," Kyle said and hurried to stand back with his grandpa's. 

"Hey little one, what's up," Mr. Lopez asked Kyle

"Momma said for me to stay with you two because of the Limo pulling up!" Kyle said while pointing up the street

"Mijia's you come here, let me go up there and see what's going on?" Miguel stated

"Papi, I'm sure it's just the limo that Mr. Sanchez got for us earlier, we might have left something inside of it and they are just returning it is all?" Santana mentioned

The limo pulls slowly up the long driveway and comes to a stop. The driver remains in the car.

Santana and Brittany approach the limo and ask " Hi, did we leave something behind from earlier?" 

The rear limo door opens and a familiar voice can be heard from behind that brings a smile to the girls' faces.

"I'd say you did," Sam happily said as he climbed out of the limo surprising his friends not more than 6 hours ago.

"Trouty Mouth, what are you doing here?" Santana said in shock

"A little bird told us that you were in need of some mussel power around here!" Sam said with a huge smile on his face

"Did my father-in-law have something to do with this?" Brittany asked giving Sam a hug

"No, Brittany, your father-in-law didn't have anything to do with it, I did as well as your father-in-law, and your dad and your friends," Mr. Sanchez said as he climbed out of the limo too.

"Mr. Sanchez, wow, this just keeps getting better and yet stranger by the minute," Brittany said shaking her boss's hand. 

"Don't forget about us?" Blaine says as he climbs out of the limo

"Who else is in there?" Santana asked

"Hey, can't let my girls handle this all on their own now can I," Mercedes said as she climbed out of the limo.

'Oh, my gosh, what are you doing here?" Santana walked over to give Mercedes a hug.

The rest of the gang files out of the limo and both Brittany and Santana just can't believe that they all showed up.

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