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{Ding Dong}

The doorbell rings.

"I wonder who that could be?" Brittany asked.

Santana just responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

{Knock Knock}

"Come in", Brittany announced.

"Um, Judge Thompson is here so is a gentleman named Quinton," Pierce informed.

"Judge Thompson's here, in our house?" Brittany asked surprised.

"Yes, he is. Why are you surprised Sweetie?" Pierce asked.

"Dad, Judge Thompson lives and works in New York?" Brittany replied.

"And is Quinton his um traveling companion?" Pierce wondered.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about what today is?" Santana replied.

"What, what's today?" Both Pierce and Brittany said simultaneously

"Seriously Britt, tomorrow's Puck's funeral, the gangs in town for it, the reason Quinton's here," Santana stated looking at her wife knowingly.

"Oh, right." Brittany sighed.

Pierce, Brittany, and Santana head out to greet the two new arrivals.

"Judge Thompson didn't know you were in town. Santana and I were just about to call you," Brittany said shaking his hand.

"Oh, my apologies am I interrupting something?" Judge Thompson asked.

"Oh, no, I had asked for our parents to watch the boys while Santana and I called you and you remember Dr. Quiznon from the hospital, he's in town for our friend's funeral tomorrow," Brittany informed.

"Oh, okay, well I won't be too long, but is there somewhere private for the three of us to talk?" Judge Thompson asked.

"Yes, one moment let me get Dr. Ouiznon settled and introduce him to the rest of our family and then we can go out back and talk in our studio," Brittany mentioned.

After Santana introduced Dr. Quiznon to the parentals, he sat and watched cartoons with everyone while Santana, Brittany, and Judge Thompson walked out back to their studio.

As Brittany opens the door and the three of them file in Judge Thompson walks in with his mouth agape, looking around not knowing what to say.

"Are you okay Sir, you look a little pale", Santana asked.

Judge Thompson looks around at the set-up of Birttany's childhood bedroom and a video camera on a tripod at the other end.

"Um, what room is this used for that's away from the main house?" Judge Thompson asked looking around.

Both Brittany and Santana's eyes bug wide at his question.

"What, no no no no, this room is used for Brittany's YouTube and Univision segments." Santana stammered.

"Yeah, yeah my two internet talk shows, Fondue For Two and Ques Por Dos, and occasionally my wife and I might use it to get our sexy on ..." Brittany replied.

"OH MY GOD BRITT!!!!!" Santana said loudly and quickly.

Santana quickly opens up YouTube on her cell to show Judge Thompson her video talk show segments from both "Fondue for Two" and "Queso Por Dos", Judge Thompson looks on with a big sigh of relief. 

"And through this door is the music studio that my beautiful and talented wife has yet to use," Brittany said gushing about her wife and her talent.

"You sing too? "Judge Thompson asks looking at Santana.

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