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"Hi, this is Mrs. Pierce-Lopez," Brittany answered.

"Hello Mrs. Pierce-Lopez there's been a situation here at school and  we need you to come down as soon as possible?" The Principals administrative assistant addressed

"Um, yes, of course, my wife and I will be there as soon as we can. Is Kyle okay?" Brittany asked concerningly

"Um, there's no need for both of you to come in, we just need one parent and you were recommended, So we'll see you soon," The woman said and then hung up

"Hey, San, um something happened at Kyle's school, I'm on my way there if you can please meet me there, thanks. Drive carefully 'cause you've got our little unicorn with you, so love you see you soon, muah." Brittany said on Santana's cell phone voicemail

Brittany sent the parents a group message explaining what was going on so that no one would worry.

To Pop's and Mom's and Abuela- Kyle's school called, something happened, not sure what, on my way there, will keep you posted. Love to all. Please make sure San and baby are okay can't get ahold of her.  >Britt

Dad, Mom, Abuela, Papi, Mami: Okay, Mija, please keep us posted, We can't get ahold of Santana either, Will keep trying. ♥

Brittany locked the house and set the alarm and was on her way to her son's school.

During the short drive there, Brittany was wondering what could have possibly happened, she just hoped that her son was okay. 

Once Brittany arrived and parked in the designated spot she exited her car and locked it as she walked up the steps to the main office.

"Hi, I'm Mrs. Pierce-Lopez and I just got a call that a situation happened to my son Kyle Taylor he's a third grader in Miss Cole's class?" Brittany relayed

"Yes, hi Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, please follow me" the office aide instructed

The two walked past several desks, past the nurse's office, past the Vice Principal's office, and waited outside the Principal's office. Brittany sat down and waited so she sent out another text.

To Pop's and Mom's and Abuela- At Kyle's school, waiting outside the Principal's office. Have you heard from San yet?  >Britt

Dad, Mom, Abuela, Papi, Mami: Okay, Mija, please keep us updated. Nope, been trying to get in touch with her, we'll keep tryin'.  ♥

"Hey San, it's me again. Sweetie, please meet me at Kyle's school, drive carefully baby. Love you both, see you soon. Muah," Brittany called and left another voice message for her wife.

"Mrs. Pierce-Lopez," A familiar voice calls out

Brittany hangs up her phone and puts her phone on silent and gets up and walks into the Principal's office.

Brittany walks into the principal's office and sees Kyle sitting on a seat near the file cabinet looking down at the floor. 

"Hi, Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, I'm Pricinipal Figgins thank you for getting here so quickly, please have a seat." Principal Figgins states.

"Principal Figgins, I attended McKinley High and we had a Principal Figgins too?" Brittany says

"Yes, happy to hear that, he's my father." Principal Figgins replies

"Small world. So, can we discuss what situation with my son happened please?" Brittany asked

"Yes, well Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, we here at Lima Elementary have a strong no bullying, no fighting policy" Principal Figgins informed

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