You're not alone

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After Brittany hung up the phone with her wife, she checked her text messages

~Hola Brittany sorry for texting you so late, was wanting to know how you liked your new apartment? I'll call you tomorrow morning for your feedback. Enjoyed the visit, take care Mr. S~

Brittany sighed thinking that it was a message from Judge Thompson saying to meet to pick up Kyle.

Brittany noticed that her cell needed to be charged, so she unpacked her carry on suitcase which just consisted of a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of socks, a pair of jeans, a  t-shirt, her phone charger, a small bag of toiletries, original paperwork of Glenn's Will,  a small framed picture of Santana, Santino, and Kyle that she places on the nightstand along with her phone charger and phone. 

Brittany used the bathroom and changed from her courtroom dress clothes to just wearing her t-shirt.  She sat at the bedside got her phone that was still charging and called her wife back.

{ 🎶 I Kissed a Girl And I Liked it. 🎶} - Brittany's ring tone. Brittany's calling Santana

"Hey Babe, I was just about to call you, I was getting worried," Santana said

"Yeah, sorry. My phone was dying and I had to get my phone charger out of my carry-on and plug it in. I also didn't think that this was going to happen so I didn't pack my pajamas I just changed into my t-shirt. " Brittany announced

"But who texted you, so help me, Britt, it better not be that little twat-what from Kyle's school!!" Santana sternly said. 

"No San, it wasn't a text message from her, Mr. Sanchez texted saying that he hopes we like the new apartment. I actually thought it was a text from Judge Thompson saying that Kyle wanted me to go pick him up." Brittany informed

"I know Britt, I was hoping it was a message about Kyle too. But, I'm glad that it wasn't bad news." Santana said

"Wow, this phone call takes me back to our high school days, remember that San" Brittany asked

"Oh, I remember. I remember very well" Santana said seductively

"Well, you just might have to remind me!" Brittany husked

"I was hoping you'd say that?" Santana whispered

"Really now" Brittany whispered back

"Are you laying down?" Santana asked

"Umhummmm" was the only thing Brittany could choke out

"I really wish you were here Babe, I need your touch" Santana husked

" I know, I really wish you were here with me too Hon, I'd be kissing down your neck right about now. " Brittany seductively said

"Ummmm, what else?" Santana moaned

"Oh my god how I love to hear you moan!" Brittany excitingly said

"Umhummm, I know you do." Santana smirkingly said

"You know when we get home, we are gonna have to wear out the boys so that they'll go to sleep early and sleep all night from being exhausted so that you and I can have our moment." Brittany

"Nah, I got something better boo, see if my parents can watch them just for one night" Santana replied

"Oooh, I like your plan better," Brittany replied

Just as Santana and Brittany were getting ready to get their sexy on the doorbell rang

"Who could that be this late at night?" Santana asked

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