Room 121

101 5 1

"Santana call Kyle please," Brittany asked

"I can't, phone's dead," Santana said

"Didn't you charge your phone last night?" Britt asked

"Um, I was going to but something distracted me, remember!" Santana replied

"Distraction, what distract.., oh now I remember, you and me and luvv..." Brittany was saying when she got cut off

"Hey Britt, focus and make the call," Santana said quickly as she closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief

"Right, let me call Kyle to see what's going on, I'll put it on speaker," Brittany said

{Ring} {Ring}

"H...l...oo Mmm..mmm," Kyle said 

(Sirens can be heard in the background)

"Kyle are you okay, what's going on?" Santana asked

"Mmm...aaaa, A...n....eee  Q..nnn  b..o....dddd go...n...g  to ...  os...p...lll!" Kyle stammered

"Omg, damn phone's breaking up." Santana said getting frustrated " Could you make it out?" 

"Here, write down your address and I'll check for an ambulance dispatch and get information for you and I'll drive you there?" The police chief informed

Brittany wrote down the address and gave it to him.  The police chief left to go do what he had to do.

"Judge Thomspon, what's going to happen to Steve?" Brittany asked

"Well, too soon to tell but he has a lot going against him." Judge Thompson mentioned

"Yeah, I'll say. Disobeying a court order, failure to appear in court, child neglect, child endangerment, did I leave anything out." Santana said pacing back and forth with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Nope, that pretty much covers it, however, he did stop the woman from getting Kyle involved in his um his little..." Judge Thompson replied while getting cut off.

"His little sexcapade," Brittany said

Santana held up her hand to her temple and shook her head. Judge Thompson looked at Brittany with wide eyes. When the police chief walked back in.

"The ambulance picked up a Quinn Fabray-Puckerman and Kyle Taylor and is headed to the Hospital due to bleeding. C'mon, let's get into my patrol car I'll have you there in a jiffy." The police chief said

They all headed out and piled into the squad car and headed to the hospital with the sirens on driving fast and weaving in and out of traffic.

"Oh god," Santana said holding on for dear life

"Wow, this is so cool, never been in a police car, driving this fast before," Brittany said jumping in her seat.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Judge Thompson said

"Oh, god please don't. If you hurl, I'm gonna hurl" Santana said

"Don't worry, we're almost there. No hurling in my squad car today." The police chief said

They pulled up to the hospital and exited the squad car. They approached the receptionist's desk

"Yes, we are looking for Mrs. Quinn Fabray-Puckerman please," The police chief asked

The receptionist began to type in her computer for the patient information.

"Yes, Sir she's on the sixth floor Labor and Delivery room 121," The receptionist said

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