Record this!!!

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"Hey Santana, how's Britt doing?" Blaine answered Santana's call.

"Blaine, Britt and I are on our way home. ETA seven minutes. Can you, Sam and Mike be waiting outside to help Britt out of the car and into the house pl..." Santana asked as she got interrupted by her incoherient wife.

"Dddooonnn'ttt cha..change the sssssssubject Sannnnn!!!" Brittany yelped out.

"Woah, what's up with Britt?" Blane asked

"Look Blaine, just grab the guys and wait for me in the driveway in 5 got it, I'll explain then" Santana toned over Britt's voice

"K, got it geez. (Sam, Mike let's go) Blaine was heard as he hung up the phone call.

Blaine, Sam and Mike were waiting in the driveway as Santana pulled up.

Santana exits the car first to explain Brittany's behavior.

"Hey, guys, thanks for helping me with getting Britt inside the house, um she's coming out of the sedation and she's acting a little off right now so just a bit of a warning for you three oh and remember..." Santana informing before she get's cut off

"We know San, we hurt Britt and you'll hurt us, got it" Blaine said

"Yeah, we hurt Britt and you'll go all Lima Heights on our sorry asses, we know," Sam said putting up air quotes with his hands

"Guys, c'mon, she's a concerned wife, give her a break. No worries San, we'll get Britt safely inside for you" Mike replied

"Okay, Mike and Sam you'll get Britt on each side of you and help her walk in, just please be carefull of her right hip and she can't bend over a 90 degree angle" Santana gave instructions

"So wait, why am I here?" Blaine asked

"You're here to walk infront of them and hold Britt's vomit bag, ya know in case she hurls" Santana stated

"Why me, why don't you walk infront, she's your wife?" Blanie shot back

"Because I"m carrying my purse, Britt's purse and her medication bag, release papers, besides I'm not her favorite person right now, so I'll follow behind" Santana said

In sync they all asked "Why?"

Sam and Mike get Brittany and gently get her out of the car and place her in the middle of them with her arms around Mike and Sam's shoulders as Blanie is walking backwards holding Bitt's vomit bag and giving orders to take it easy.

"Heeeeeeyyyyy guysssssss," Britt stammers as she's being led into her house.

"BRITTANY", the rest of the goup calls out to her.

"You feeling okay now Britt?" Tina asked

"Um, guys she's a little out of it right now and talkng gibberish" Santana informs.

"Gibbbberrrrisshhhh....I"mmmmm not taaaaaaalkinggggg gibbbbberishhhhhh," Brittany blurts out

"What the hellll, she's on some serious stuff, yo" Artie says as he rolls out the way.

"So what happened," Mercedes asked looking between Brittany and Santana.

"Well, when Britt got hit by the car, the impact dislocated her hip pretty bad" Santana mentioned

"She didn't need surgery I take it because you're both home after being gone a couple of hours" Quinn replied

"YOU!!!" Brittany's glares at Quinn

"Why are you looking at me like you're pissed off Britt" Quinn was puzzled

"Ohhhhh dddonnnn't play da da dumb with me Fabbbbbrayyyyyy" Brittany spat out

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