Blaring Sounds

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  The next morning. Both Santana and Brittany woke up at the same time. Shockingly at 6:30 am. 

After getting showered and cleaned up, Santana went to go check in on Santino as Brittany checked in on Kyle. The boys were sound asleep still. So Santana went back to their room grabbed the baby monitor clipped it to her jean pocket and headed to the kitchen. 

Brittany went to open up all the blinds and curtains throughout the house to let the rising sunbeams shine into the house. 

Because of the hustle and chaotic day yesterday, no one noticed the small structure in the backyard.  

"Oh my goodness Babe, that must be the studio for "Fondue for Two" and "Queso Por Dos" Brittany said looking out to the backyard

Santana walks up and stands next to her wife looks out the window  and says, "I can't believe we all missed seeing that yesterday" 

"Well, we were all preoccupied because of our furniture being stolen, our parents took the boys out to either lunch or to the house to sleep. And well you and I were here all alone and we took advantage of that, reeeemmmeeemmmberrrrr!" Brittany said with a smirk on her face.

Santana moves in front of Brittany and has her back up against the window, looks up with raised brows, and says, " Well, we needed to christen this place just like we did our first night in the New York apartment." 

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Brittany said lovingly

"Tell me again," Santana whispered

"I love you" Brittany whispered softly as she leaned in and pressed her lips up against her wifes' supple soft lips.


The doorbell rang, Brittany hurried to answer the door before the doorbell chimed again.

Mumbling can be heard on the portable baby monitor. Santana follows her wife to the front door.

"Good morning ladies, I hope I didn't wake you?" Mr. Sanchez says holding a box of fresh donuts

"Good morning Mr. Sanchez, no, you didn't wake us, but the boys are still asleep" Brittany replied

"Here, I brought some fresh donuts, both your parents are on their way" Mr. Sanchez stated

"Thank you, Mr. Sanchez, they smell delicious," Santana said leading the three of them to the kitchen.

"The alarm company will be arriving at 9 am to install the security cameras and house alarm and your parents and I will make sure that they install it properly." Mr. Sanchez mentioned

"Thank you, Mr. Sanchez, but you really didn't have to go through all this trouble, we could have gotten around to having one installed after we got all settled," Brittany said

"Well, the misses, as well as your parents and I, feel safer to have it done today before we head back to New York" Mr. Sanchez explained

"That's very sweet of you to do, thank you again," Santana said while making a pot of coffee.

Brittany's cell phone began to ring

"Hi Mom" Brittany answered

"Hi honey, are you all awake? We wanted to know if we could come over if it's not too early?" Whitney asked

"Of course, you can come over mom, you and dad are welcome anytime, Mr. Sanchez just arrived with a box of fresh donuts, and San's making a pot of coffee, but the boys are still asleep," Brittany said.

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