By 3 pm tomorrow!!

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Both Brittany and Judge Thompson look at each other and then down to Kyle.

"Mr. Taylor, we just have a few minutes more and then the ten-minute recess is over son" Judge Thompson reminded Kyle

"Kyle sweetie, what would you like to do? You won't hurt our feelings if you go for just one night with your Uncle Steve?" Santana says through the speaker of Brittany's cell phone. 

"You really mean that I won't hurt your feelings if I go with Uncle Steve just for tonight?" Kyle asked looking up at Brittany with sad eyes.

Brittany bends down to be level with Kyle holding the phone in one hand and the other rubbing Kyle's arm up and down, " Awe, bud. No, you won't hurt our feelings at all, I mean you've known your Uncle Steve longer than you've known Momma and me." 

"What happens if I go and don't like it during the night, then what?" Kyle asked worriedly

"If that should happen, Mr. Taylor, I can arrange for a stipulation in Mr. Reed's request that in case you didn't feel comfortable for your mom to be contacted right away and meet at a safe location for the exchange?" Judge Thompson suggested

"Exchange." Kyle was puzzled

"A safe place for Mr. Reed to take you to so that your mom can pick you up and go home"  Judge Thompson reiterated 

 "Oh, that'll be good" Kyle replied

"Kyle sweetie, it doesn't matter what time at night, if you just don't feel good, you call mom and she'll go get you super-fast, okay sweetie,  ayy muh" Santana and Santino said

"Is that Santino, momma?" Kyle asked

"Yes it is, he's trying to say Hi to you and mom," Santana said

"Hi Santino, hi," Kyle said with a huge smile on his face

"Ayy el " Santino mumbled

"He's trying to say my name mom and momma, he's trying to say my name, did you hear that," Kyle said excitingly"

"Okay, Kyle Hunny, Santino, and I have to get ready for our photoshoot now, just please be careful and make sure your phone is charged all the way just in case. We love you." Santana said 

"Love you both too momma, Santino, bye," Kyle said

"Bye babe, call you when we get home tonight," Santana said

"Sounds good, please drive carefully, love you both, bye," Brittany said

"Mr. Taylor, if I can just have a quick word with your mom please, you can just wait out in the hall, and then we will walk back out to the courtroom okay son." Judge Thompson said

Kyle was out in the hallway for just a brief moment when Brittany and Judge Thompson joined and they preceded to walk into the courtroom.

Meanwhile at the photoshoot

"Excuse me Mrs. Lopez here are the outfits for you and your son to change into." A small woman stated while placing several matching outfits down on the small sofa next to where Santana and Santino were sitting. 

"Thank you," Santana said as the small woman turned around to give a little wave back.

As the young woman left the room, Santana started looking at Santino and then back to the outfits then back to Santino.  Santino mimics his mommas' actions. 

"Well, papa which outfit shall we wear for this photo shoot?" Santana said looking at her son.

Santino just looks back at his momma with a blank face.

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