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Brittany starts to come too and notices that she is lying on the floor of the private room.

"Wh...what happened?" Brittany says as she slowly moves her eyes while looking up at everyone hovering over her

"Babe, you passed out, just stay still for a little longer and when you're ready to get up, let us know so that we can all help you up slowly"

A nurse was standing by ready to take Brittany's vitals when she felt better and was there to observe her too.

"We don't have to do this today, we can continue Monday if you like?" Judge Thompson addressed

"Are we going to lose Kyle because of this?" Brittany asked softly looking around at everyone

"Mrs. Pierce-Lopez you and your wife will be able to take your son Kyle home with you just as soon as he and you get released" The social worker murmured kneeling on one side of Brittany with Santana kneeling on the other side

"Uh, how long was I out for," Brittany asked bringing her left hand up to her forehead with her right hand holding on to Santana's hand.

"For about a minute or two," Santana said softly brushing her wife's hair 

"And why am I laying down with my legs lifted on the chair," Brittany asked with her brows scrunched

"We placed you like this in order to restore your blood flow back to your brain and so that you can regain consciousness quickly and safely." The nurse informed

"Oh, okay. Thank you but I think  I'm ready to get up now, this floor is uncomfortable" Brittany replied

Santana, the social worker, and the nurse all help Brittany get up slowly and gently guide her to one of the private rooms with cushioned chairs. Once Brittany is seated the nurse begins to take her vitals.

After Brittany's blood pressure, and temperature,  and when her pupils were getting checked, the nurse asked "Mrs. Pierce-Lopez is there any chance you could be pregnant?" 

The small conversations in the background between the Judge, social worker, and Chief of police all came to a stop and a few stifled chuckles could be quietly heard.

"Um, no there is absolutely no chance that I could be pregnant!" Brittany replied with a smirk

Santana had to turn her head to keep from laughing her famous breathy laughs.

"Sorry, just standard procedures that we have to ask every female patient when checking their vitals" The nurse informed

Snickers can be heard from Judge Thompson, the Chief of Police, and the Social Worker that were standing in the corner of the private room. 

"It's okay, I wish I could get pregnant, but unfortunately I can't," Brittany says softly

"Is it because you're a lesbian?" The nurse whispered

"No, not because of that, I'm just a part of the 10 percent of women  which is approximately 6.1 million that unfortunately can't get pregnant." Brittany solemnly replies

"Wait, what!" Santana replied shockingly

"Um, I'll leave you two alone, I'm very sorry Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, the Phlebotomist will be in to draw your blood," the nurse says as she gets her medical equipment and leaves the room

"Oh Britt,"  Santana says consolingly 

"Hummhhhhh, yeah " Brittany breaths out looking at the white blood pressure cup that was left on her left arm.

Brittana....Back To The StartWhere stories live. Discover now