Long night ahead

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Brittany and Diego are walking to the car and Diego opens up the back door to let Brittany in when he notices Brittany watching Kyle leave the other way with Steve.

Brittany climbs in the car and Diego closes the door, then rushes around to get in the driver's side. As Diego is checking his rearview mirror before backing up he notices a sad look on Brittany's face.

"Um Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, I take it things did not go in yours and Mrs. Lopez's favor with young Kyle" Diego asked quietly

"Diego, we've known each other for two years, what did we say about the formality?" Brittany said looking back at him from the back seat

"I'm sorry, Brittany, did you and Santana lose guardianship of Kyle?" Diego asked hesitantly

"Oh god, I hope not. No this is just for tonight only, but if Kyle doesn't feel comfortable he is instructed to call Judge Thompson and he'll call me to make arrangements for the pick-up location no matter the time day or night for me to go get Kyle." Brittany said with a huge sigh

"Shall I take you back to your old apartment for the night then," Diego asked as he pulled out of the courthouse parking lot. 

"You wouldn't happen to have an extra key on you, would you? " Brittany asked Diego

"We can swing by Mr. Sanchez's house and get the new set of keys, I'm sure they'd love to see you" Diego suggested

'New keys? Why, did something happen to our old apartment?" Brittany questioned

"Let me call Mr. Sanchez and let them know that we are on our way," Diego said

"Oh, okay, thanks," Brittany said as she went to get her cell phone out and checks to see if she has any messages from Kyle already. (she was hoping that he changed his mind). Unfortunately, there were no messages from Kyle, but she did notice that she had a miss call from her wife and a voicemail message.  So Brittany called her wife back.

{ 🎶 I Kissed a Girl And I Liked it. 🎶} - Brittany's ring tone. Brittany's calling Santana

"Hi, Babe, " Santana said

"Hi Hunny, thank you for letting me know that your parents and Abuela are meeting you and Santino in Brennersville. That's one less thing for me to worry about." Brittany mentioned

"Yes, that's very sweet of them to do, so I take it that Kyle went with Steve?" Santana asked

"Yes, yes he did. I actually thought the voicemail message was Kyle saying that he changed his mind." Brittany cooed

"Awe, it's just for one night Babe, it will go by fast, you gonna call the gang and see if you can crash with anyone of them?" Santana asked

"I didn't think of that, no Diego is driving me to Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez's house to get the new set of keys to our old apartment?" Brittany informed

"New set of keys, but why, did something happen?" Santana asked

"I have no idea, Hun. So how's Santino doing with the long car ride?" Brittany asked

"He's actually asleep, he's had a long day," Santana informed

"Awe, give him a big hug and kiss from me, please," Brittany asked

"I most definitely will. Please send our love to the Sanchez's and to Diego too?" Santana asked

"You got it. Oh and don't forget to call me when you get home and locked up inside?" Brittany asked

" I will, I should be arriving in Brennersville in about thirty minutes, {Beep} Oh Babe, it's my mom calling. I'll call you later on tonight, love you" Santana 

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