First Day of School

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"Mijia, we made it home safely and I wanted to know what time will you be taking Kyle to school?" Maribel asked while Whitney was on the conference call as well to hear the answer.

"Glad to hear that Mami, um I think we'll be leaving around 7:15 because I'm sure traffic is going to be a nightmare, and to find good parking because school starts at 8. Brittany insists on driving because she drives the speed limit and is a much calmer driver than me so yeah, why Mom's" Santana replied as she put her cell on speaker.

"Brittany, have you mapped out a route, the best route for tomorrow Sweetie," Whitney asked

"Yes, Mom I have," Brittany replied as she and Santana were getting things ready for Kyle's big day.

"We'll be there hopefully no later than 6:45 okay Mijia's," Maribel stated

"Are you sure, you don't have to, we'll take pictures," Brittany said

"We are not missing our grandson's first day of school," All parents said in sync.

"Wow, a quartet scolding" Brittany whispered in Santana's ear.

"Well okay then, we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, goodnight everyone," Santana said

"Goodnight girls," The parents echoed

Santana was organizing Kyle's backpack and shoes and placing them on and under the small table that was near the front door when Brittany from behind snaked her arms around her wife's waist and kissed the back of Santana's neck sending goosebumps down Santana's arms.

"Hmm, careful now, don't start what you can't finish babe," Santana husked out

"I can't help it, you look so adorable getting Kyle's things ready for his first day of school tomorrow." Brittany cooed slowly rocky back and forth guiding her wife along

"Yeah, well follow me to the kitchen so I can get his lunchbox ready please," Santana ordered softly

"I'll follow you everywhere," Britt replied

"Did you double-check the front doors and check on Lord and Lady Tubbington?" Santana reminded

"No" Britt replied stopping in her tracks

Santana stopped and turned around and said "Tell you what, if you check and lock the front doors and tend to Lord and Lady Tubbington, I'll check the sliding glass door in the kitchen and get things set up to make Kyle's lunch tomorrow morning then check on the boys and I'll meet you in our bedroom!" Santana said with a smirk

"Deal," Britt said as she turned and quickly did what she needed to do and Santana did the same.

They finished at the same time and met in the hallway and they both checked in on the boys before retiring to their bedroom.

Brittany quickly locked their bedroom door without turning around, she kept her eyes on her wife the whole time. 

"I can't believe it's only 8:30 and both boys are totally out, Britt, you're a freakin genius for the meet and greet," Santana mentioned

"Thanks, I just figured it would be a great icebreaker for Kyle to get to know a few of his classmates so that tomorrow wouldn't be too nerve-wracking for him considering he left all his friends back in New York and Lima is still all new to him. I just want everything to go well for him," Brittany said

"God I love you," Santana gushed

"I love you too," Britt responded

They lean into one another for a searing kiss. As they break away from the kiss Santana turned to face the antique jewelry box that stood on their dresser and securely placed all her jewelry (earrings, necklaces, rings )and Brittany's wedding rings for safekeeping. They don't sleep with their rings on because they don't want to mark up their beautiful faces and hurt each other during sexy times and showering.

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