Meet and Greet

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"Good morning my love," Santana said with an adorable smile on her beautiful face

"Hmhmm, good morning to you too gorgeous," Brittany replied

Santana hovered over her wife's body looking down "Thank you for an amazing time last night"

"Oh no, I should be thanking you. Last night was awesome. I didn't want it to end," Brittany said smiling while brushing the hair out of her wife's face.

"Well, I just checked on the boys, and they're still asleep and I locked the door, so...." Santana husked

"Why Mrs. Pierce-Lopez what has gotten into you?" Brittany replied

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Santana said with her head tilted slightly and a devilish grin on her lips.

Brittany leans up to crash their lips together and then leans back down on the bed never breaking the kiss. Brittany's arms are tightly wrapped around Santana's back deepening the kiss. Kisses were soft at first and then became sloppy and wet, tongues flickering back and forth and then twirling around. Santana stops and kisses down her wife's neckline, to her collarbone, to the valley between Brittany's boobs. Caressing one side while kissing the other and switching sides. Proceeding to kiss down to her navel. 

"Oooommnn" I like where this is going." Brittany husked.

"Uh...Hmmm" Santana says with a smirk as she moved further down.

Santana slowly pulls down her wife's pajama shorts and throws them behind her and they land on the right corner of their T.V. 

Brittany chuckles and says "Nice shot babe"

Santana doesn't even look behind her, she proceeds to take her wife's silk panties off with her teeth and never breaks eye contact with Brittany.  Santana places her wife's panties on her left index finger and twirls them around and then throws them off to the side. And lays between her wife's legs kissing up her thighs. Santana picks up Brittany's legs and parts her thighs as she gets comfortable Brittany grips her pillows behind her head knowing what she's about to experience.  Santana kisses her wife's inner thighs and moves closer to her prize.  Santana slowly with both hands rubs down from Brittany's clit downward making Brittany's legs shutter. Santana continues to gently caress her wife's clit gearing up Britt's arousal. 

"Sannnnn please no teasing!" Brittany moans out

Santana just smirks looking at Britt she lowers herself and licks at Britt's clit. She licks her clit up and down.  Then Santana begins to suck on the bundle of nerves.  Brittany begins to squirm. Santana holds on to Britt's legs so that she doesn't get smacked by her wife's toned strong thighs. Santana continued to lick and suck as her fingers slowly entered her wife's wet folds. Brittany slowly moved her hips to match the rhythm of Santana's fingers.  Santana touched her wife with the utmost care with soft and gentle movements.  Santana moved from her wife's clit up her body and crashed their lips as Santana kept the rhythm of her left-hand pumping in and out.  Santana then put a slight curve to her fingers and hit her wife's g-spot. Moans escape Brittany's mouth while kissing her wife. 

"San I'm close" Brittany stammers

"I know babe, just relax," Santana whispered while pumping faster

Brittany's squirming was becoming unbearable and her hip thrusts were getting faster and faster.

Both are breathing rapidly. Santana's arm was starting to burn but she wanted her wife to cum and relieve herself.  Brittany is all about making Santana cum and focuses on her needs instead of her own and Santana knows it. Santana repaid her wife and was happy to do so.

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