We gotta go!!

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"Come on San, please" Brittany husked into her wife's ear

'Babe, you heard the doctor, he said we had to wait," Santana whispered back 

"C'mon {muah} you know {muah} you want {muah} to also {muah}", Brittany said kissing her wife's neck as they leaned against their closed bedroom door

Brittany trailed more kisses up Santana's neckline as Santana was getting drawn into her wife's persuasion.

"Britt", Santana softly moans as the gap between them closes in "What about Quinn and Kyle" Santana stops suddenly with wide eyes stopping the moment

"San hun, Quinn is tired from all the crying that she did while we were on the Kyle rescue mission," Brittany said

"I don't know babe" Santana whispered back

"And Kyle is out like a light because of the excitement of today and from the amount of food that boy ate after playing games with the guys at Dave & Busters, I mean after taking his shower, you said that you just sang like the first part of the lullaby and he was out," Britt said leaning on her wife's forehead while pulling out her wife's tucked-in,  buttoned-up peach colored blouse from her form-fitting black jeans.

 'Yeah, I know, it's just I don't know" Santana stammered

"C'mon San, I just want to put all of today's madness aside and make love to my wife, " Brittany whispered capturing her wife's supple lips into a passionate kiss

"Hmmm" Santana moans as she locks the bedroom door. "Oh, how I've missed your kisses, Britt,"

"Auyhumm, I know you have and I've missed your kisses", Brittany whispers back as they gaze into each other's eyes

Brittany's hands are roaming all over her wife's body as she continues to kiss Santana around her jawline, and down her neck, while trying to unbutton her wife's blouse buttons and not succeeding.

"Oh, fuck him!", Santana grumbles as she grabs her blouse by the box plate with each of her hands and just tears it open as the buttons go flying every which way.

"Hey, don't fuck him, fuck me!" Brittany says with a coy smirk

"Hahaha, very funny and now c'mere", Santana says seductively as she dives into another passionate kiss while guiding her wife to their bed.

Brittany's legs bump into the down comforter that was draped over the bed. Santana guides her wife's body to lie down as she slowly climbed up her wife's insanely fit body, takes off the now ruined blouse, and throws it aside. 

Santana is now hovering over Britt as her long beautiful flowing hair is draped on either side of her beautiful face.  Brittany sits up and brushes Santana's hair to the left side and then crashes their lips together. The love and affection felt in each kiss, the soft and gentle of their lips molding together, moving together, their needing and wanting of each other at that moment.  Santana wrapped her arms around Brittany's neck as Brittany's hands caressed up and down Santana's back and to her sides with a few side boob grazes giving Santana goosebumps. 

Santana breaks away from the kiss and stands back up to unzip her jeans. As she shimmies out of them, Brittany takes the opportunity to rid of her clothing. Leaving them both in just their silk panties and bras. Santana slithers back onto her wife's body she stops midway and kisses Brittany's naval, and trails kisses up her abs, to the valley between her soft-perky boobs, where Santana takes her time in having equal time for each breast. While licking and sucking on one boob, Santana's right hand was kneading the other softly and in a circular motion.  Brittany pulls her head back as she enjoys the attack. Santana then switches to the other making sure that each boob got enough attention. Santana then trails small kisses up Britt's collar bone and neckline. While this is happening, Santana has mounted her wife with one leg on either side of Britt's leg and San's right upper thigh is rubbing against Bitt's core which in turn makes Brittany lose control and has started bucking her hips into Santana's upper thigh. 

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