Ok, here's the plan!

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It took the gang a while to calm Britt down. 

"Britt, take a deep breath and tell us about the phone call, okay," Tina asked handing Brittany a cold bottle of water

After Brittany took a drink of water, Santana placed a cold compress on the back of her wife's neck as she sat down next to her.

Brittany took a deep breath and as she exhaled she spoke "Steve took Kyle and they are heading to Saratoga"

"Babe, you told me that Steve's stipulations for having him for the night were that he couldn't take Kyle out of town." 

"I guess Judge Thompson was onto Steve and his no-good ways and had a hunch and placed a tracking device with Kyle along with a tiny microphone. And now they're on their way to Saratoga" Brittany announced

"What's in Saratoga?" Sam asked

"Well, my guess would be a horse race track?" Santana said

"Yes, I just checked and it's a three-hour road trip, so what are you gonna do?" Artie asked

"I'm not too sure if we can do anything?" Santana said

"San, we gotta do something, I'm gonna call Judge Thompson back and see what he suggests" Brittany stated

Brittany got up and left the room to make a phone call to Judge Thompson.

Just then Santana's mom called

"Hi mom, is everything okay?" Santana answered

"Yes, Mija, I just wanted to call and see if you and Brittany heard anything about Kyle yet?" Maribel asked

"Well, actually mom a situation arose and was just informed that Steve has taken Kyle and is on his way to Saratoga" Santana informed

"What's in Saratoga Mija?" Maribel asked

"A horse race track that's over a three-hour drive away," Santana said

"Oh my, so what are you and Brittany gonna do?" Maribel asked

"I don't know mom. I don't know. How's Santino doing?" Santana replied

"Oh, he's just fine Mijia, your dad and Santino are playing on the floor with building blocks, while your dad is pronouncing each different color of the block that Santino gets. It's so adorable, he used to do the same thing with you when you were Santino's age." Maribel cooed

"Awe, please take a video so you can show us when we return?" Santana asked

"Sure thing Mijia, let me let you go, please just keep us posted about Kyle, love you all," Maribel said

"We will, love you all too. Talk to you soon." Santana said then hung up her phone

Brittany returned and asked for the gang to gather around

"So I spoke to Judge Thompson, there is no way that Steve and Kyle will return in time to be at the courthouse by 3 pm. So Judge Thompson and a few undercover cops as well as CPS, EMT, and NYFD as safety precautions are on their way there.  I convinced him in letting us go too." Brittany informed

"Well, we better get going, hopefully, we won't get a speeding ticket because I want to make sure that little pissant doesn't do anything to our boy!" Santana said putting on her tennis shoes

"I'm one step ahead of you my love" Brittany said holding out her phone

"Whaddya talkin about babe?" Santana questioned

"Well, while I was on the phone with Judge Thompson, I was texting Diego, Cortez, and Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez and explained the situation Mr. Sanchez has his private jet waiting for us and Diego and Cortez are on their way to pick us up in the limo, they should be here in about 10 minutes. " Brittany mentioned

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