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It was nearing the end of August and it was time to register Kyle for school for the third grade.

Brittany, Santana, and Kyle had an appointment with Lima Elementary School.  Santino was with Brittany's parents.

"Wow, this place looks smaller than I remember," Brittany said walking up to the main entrance of the school.

"Maybe because it's been like eleven years and a few growth spurts since you've been here babe,"  Santana says walking hand in hand while trying to stifle a chuckle.

"You went to this school, Mom?" Kyle asked

"I sure did bud and now soon you'll be" Brittany replied

"What about you momma, did you go here too?" Kyle asked

"No, sadly I didn't, I went to a different school a little ways away," Santana stated

Brittany opens the door for both Kyle and her wife to file into, then the three of them follow the posted signs reading  Registration.

"You have everything babe, Kyle's transcripts from his school in New York shot records, everything," Santana asked

"Yes, hun, everything is all right here in the folder that you put together last night, thank you for doing that by the way," Brittany said waving the folder in front of her as some of the papers slide out of the pockets and land on the hallway polished floor.

"You're wel..whoops, looks like you sprung a leak?" Santana said as all three of them stop dead in their tracks making Santana slip a little bit since she was wearing high heels. "Woah"

"Oh, I gotcha babe," Brittany said as she snaked her arm around Santana's waist.

"I'll get them" Kyle bent over to pick up the fallen papers.

"Thank you Hunny" Santana cooed

"Here you go Mom," Kyle said as he handed the pile of unorganized papers over to Brittany.

"Thanks, buddy" Brittany got the papers and placed them in the folder again.

The three continued walking down the hallway to their destination.

They approach a woman at a table with a sign that reads [REGISTRATION]

"Uh-hmm, Hi, we're here to register our son Kyle?" Brittany said to the woman behind the table

The woman doesn't flinch at Brittany's question.

Santana smacks her palm down on the table which makes the woman flinch looking up as Santana says "Hey honey,  you think you can help us?" 

The woman takes out her earphones {music baring out of the earphones that landed on the table} "I am so sorry, how can I help you?" The woman said apologetically

"Yes, hi again, um we're here to register our son Kyle," Brittany said

"What grade will Kyle be going into?" The woman asked

"I'm going into the third-grade ma'am," Kyle mentioned

"Wow, you're a little early, but, no worries, here you will need to fill out these forms, and then you will need to take the completed forms and the items on this list to room 13, that's down this hallway and up the stairs and first door to the left." The woman directed.

The three of them head down the hallway and up the stairwell and notice that the door was locked so they sat down on the nearby bench.

Brittany handed Santana the paperwork to fill out since she had nicer penmanship than her. 

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