eleven ∆ how are you

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Another week passed by before Prince Draco came to speak with Sir Harry. 

After his visit to the infirmary, the knight had been told to go back to his room, and get some rest. He tried to go out once, but ended up being walked back to his bed by a concerned servant. Dobby, was his name. An elf. The first he'd ever met.

Every day since then, he'd wake up to his breakfast of buttered bread and berries being brought in, and spend the rest of the day reading. Most of the books he'd been given were boring beyond belief, but one in particular actually seemed to be quite helpful. It told of a boy, an orphan like himself, who seemed to possesses strange powers one might perceive as magic. Apparently his name was Tom Riddle, and one day he decided to go into the forest, and never came out. That was ten years ago.

Now, after an entire week, seven whole days, Prince Draco had finally come to speak with Sir Harry. He was standing in the doorway, looking at the floor. 

"Hello?" said Sir Harry, but it sounded more like a question. "You can come in, you know."

"What was it you needed to speak with me about?" the prince asked, making eye contact, but staying bolted where he stood.

Just say it. You'll be fine.

"Where'd you learn to make pie?"

Shit. That's definitely not what he wanted to ask.

"What? Is this some sort of joke?"

"No, sorry... It's just, okay- why'd you kiss me?"

That's more like it.

The prince finally stepped forward, closing the door behind him. "We cannot speak about that."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm getting married this week, that's why!" he snapped.

"This week? Why am I just hearing about this?"

"It's none of your business, that's why." He crossed his arms. "Plus, it's not like you'd be able to attend the ceremony, anyway. I heard you can't leave without someone immediately bringing you back."

The knight placed a hand on the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's annoying."

"If you left here with a limp, it'd leave you with a lifetime of annoyance." The prince smiled. "Best not complain, now."

"Aww, I didn't know you cared!" His voice was layered with sarcasm.

When Prince Draco didn't reply, Sir Harry found his eyes lingering to the man's arm -- the one which had seemingly been tainted in his dream. Unfortunately, for the millionth time, he was wearing long sleeves. He crossed his arms, which made the knight glance back up into his silvery eyes.

"So, Astoria, huh?" It was the lamest attempt he could make to carry on the conversation. "Why her?"

"Because I love her. Why else?"

"Does she know you kissed me?"

"No. And if you plan on telling her-"

"I wasn't going to." Wasn't.

He leaned back against the wall. "Good."

"What about Pansy and Blaise?"

"Well, Pansy has seemingly found someone else... Plus I wouldn't say we were really ever intimate. As for Blaise... I'm not sure. My trust has been staggering." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. "He wrote me another poem. Mind if I read it?"

"Go ahead."

Before speaking, the prince cleared his throat.


That's what you've given me.

And I'd still love you all the same without."

"Seems like he put a lot less effort in this time," Sir Harry commented.

He looked down. "It doesn't change anything."

"I don't see why not."

"I'm the heir to the throne! I can't possibly be with a man... I'd be forever known as the one who ended the bloodline." His voice was starting to crack. "I can't- I just... I have to marry Astoria."

Sir Harry swallowed hard. He hadn't meant to open such a deep wound. "Okay. It's okay. I'm sorry..."

"I'm sure you are." He wiped a hand over his cheek. "What do you even know? I bet you could be with whoever and no one would even bat an eye."

I'm sure they would if I were with you. "Well, I was with someone. Once. She left me for another knight -- a close friend, actually. Someone I looked up to-- Still look up to."

"Good." The prince laughed. "I was beginning to think the reason you were so pressed was because you'd never been kissed before."

Sir Harry couldn't help but smile. "I don't think it would've mattered either way."

"What?" His brow was furrowed. "Wait, why are you so pressed, anyway?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure." That was a lie. He'd been unable to get the whole thing out of his mind since the day it'd happened. It was quite distracting, actually.

The prince turned to leave. "Well, if you ever figure it out, tell me. I'd love to know."

"You're leaving already?" asked Sir Harry.

"Would you like me to stay?"

Yes. But he didn't want to sound desperate for someone to talk to. "No, you can go."

"Alright," he threw over his shoulder. "Be seeing you."

And with that, Sir Harry was left alone again.

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