sixteen ∆ throughout the war

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Sir Harry didn't bother looking for Prince Ron. He just walked off in the direction of the square. Slowly. Afraid of what he was going to find.

There was no screaming anymore -- just silence. When he arrived, he understood why.

All of the townsfolk had run off, and were cowering in the outskirts of the forest. That probably wasn't the best option, though, as an already enormous fire grew larger and larger, engulfing the homes in the center of the small village.

He had to talk to Draco. Fighting wasn't going to lead to anything good. Since the enemy knights were looking for King Arthur specifically, the townsfolk probably weren't in much danger. It would be okay for him to leave.

Sir Harry sprinted through the forest, ignoring the pain shooting through his ankle. He'd deal with consequences of running later.

When he arrived -- after stopping to chat with a centaur about the spider and the dragon he'd slayed for what felt like an eternity -- the sun was still high in the sky.

It was to be expected; there were guards blocking his way into the castle.

"Hey!" said one. "You're that knight who was sent here before!"

"Yes, and I've come to speak with Draco. On my own accord," he explained.

The guard nodded toward Sir Harry's sword. "Not with that, you're not."

"Okay," he complied, unsheathing his sword and placing it on the stone ground.

"You're all sweaty," was the first thing to come out of Draco's mouth when Sir Harry stepped inside the room -- the one he'd been sent to on that first day. "What did you even do? Run here?"

"Yeah," replied Sir Harry, as he hobbled over, and slumped down into a chair. He closed his eyes.

"And you're limping." He shook his head. "Goodness, you're an idiot."

"I know."

Draco looked taken aback by that response.

Sir Harry decided to get straight to the point. "Look, this whole war thing is stupid. You shouldn't have to hurt and kill to get revenge."

"How would you know? You're a knight. Your whole life is centered around harming and killing things -- harming and killing people."

"I'm supposed to defend-"

"Yet, you're here," Draco pointed out. "You're here, as my knights scower your kingdom. As they pillage the places your people call home."

"I'm trying to stop all of this in the least violent way I can," said Sir Harry. "That's how I'm defending."

Draco laughed, dryly. "That's never going to work."

Finally, Sir Harry realized that talking about the thing he came to stop wasn't going to get him anywhere. So, he changed the subject. Drastically.

"Do you have magic?" he asked. "Because that thing Lady Luna retrieved from your father seemed a lot like a wand."

"Why should I tell you?" he scoffed in response.

"Because you said I'm special. And you seemed to care a lot before when I was walking on my sprained ankle. You even noticed when I limped in here, and pointed it out," he said. "And you've told me other things I don't think you'd dare tell anyone else."

Draco stared, with a blank expression, from across the table. "Okay, so maybe I confided in you then. Doesn't mean I'll do the same now."

"Oh my Gods, you literally kissed me!"

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