twelve ∆ party of drama

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A couple days passed without any visitors. Soon, though, Pansy showed up looking for a chat. She'd brought him candied apple slices again.

"I mean, I don't see why you can't!" She was sitting on the end of Sir Harry's bed, trying to convince him to go to some party.

"I told you, my ankle's sprained!" he argued back. "Doctor Snape told me to stay off of it for three weeks. Plus, what's there even to do at this party?"

"C'mon! The whole point is to celebrate Draco and Astoria's marriage!"

Right. That'd apparently happened. When Prince Draco had said he was getting married this week, he'd actually meant tomorrow -- which was now yesterday.

"Neither seemed very happy when they spoke of one another," the knight pointed out. "I think they only got married cause they believed they had to."

"Nonsense! Obviously there's some sort of love there." She shook her head. "You've barely been here two weeks. How could you possibly know?"

He supposed she was right, in a sense. "Look, I just don't think I'll be welcomed."

Pansy rolled her eyes, and rested her palm on Sir Harry's thigh. "Honey, I'm inviting you. Of course you're welcome."

Smiling warmly, he asked, "What about my ankle?"

"Let me see," she said, then lifted the covers. "It's not even swollen! I sprained my wrist once after falling in the forest. This is nothing."

"But Doctor Snape said-"

"Doctor Snape's just creepily obsessed with you."

He narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"Yeah, it's true. I heard him speaking with King Lucius. You know, I think there's something strange going on between those two."

"Like they're conspiring something?"

Pansy nodded. "Exactly... Anyway, will you come to the party tomorrow?"

"I..." For some reason, a part of him seriously wanted to go. Maybe it was because he had been stuck in his room for over a week. "Okay. Fine, I guess I will."

"Yes!" She jumped up, and glanced around. "Wait, do you have anything to wear? I can bring you a lovely suit, if you'd like."

A suit? He'd never worn a suit before. "Okay."

Tomorrow came quickly.

The suit in mention was burgundy. It was three-piece, with a white undershirt, and a black tie. Pansy had also supplied a pair of short, black boots. Sir Harry had tried to convince her that his normal boots were just fine, but she insisted they looked out-of-place.

"Where'd you get this?" he asked, as he admired himself in the mirror.

"From Draco's wardrobe."

Sir Harry whipped around. "What!?"

"Don't worry. He has loads." She waved a hand, as if brushing it off. "Plus, I'm pretty sure he said that one was too big...or something."

Narrowing his eyes, he looked her up and down. "Also, why do we match?"

"I thought it'd be cool!" She swished around in her short, crimson, sweetheart dress. "And I'm not quite sure what the theme is."

"So, you're dragging us down together?"


Rolling his eyes, the knight took one last look in the mirror, and mumbled, "Okay. Let's go."

Walking On Glass ∆ Drarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now