twenty-four ∆ roaming the lands

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Before the sun had rose the next morning, everyone had already gathered in the hall. Sir Harry was stood beside Draco, his mind still stuck on the night before; Pansy and Hermione were seated, their hands together; and Astoria and Blaise were gossiping in the corner about princes, specifically Prince Ron.

Draco turned to face Sir Harry, and put a palm to his cheek. "Are you alright?"

"I think so. I'm just--" Sir Harry glanced at the floor, and sighed softly. All of the nervousness he'd been feeling had quickly turned into something else, but he couldn't quite place it. "I'm just thinking about last night." He looked Draco in the eyes again. "And what's to come."

"Oh?" Whatever fraction of a smile Draco had before fell away, along with his hand from the side of Sir Harry's face. "You don't regret it, do you?"

"No, of course I don't!" Sir Harry smiled slightly, and scoffed a quiet laugh. "It was actually one of the best things to happen to me. Aside from becoming a knight."

"Wow, it's good to know you think so highly of me," said Draco. He, too, was smiling at this point. "And, for the record, seeing your face when you woke up this morning was the best moment of my life."

Sir Harry didn't know what to say to that. Possibly there was no proper response, so he just continued to smile.

They stayed like that, just looking at one another, until Blaise decided to interrupt their silent conversation by saying something.

"Did we get up early just to sit around and do nothing all day? I mean, I thought we were going to go slay a basilisk, or something fun like that. Not chat like we always do."

"We are. I was just about to address everyone," replied Draco.

"Oh, really?" Blaise raised his eyebrows. "Because it looked like you were eye fucking Sir Harry."

Draco's mouth flew open, but nothing came out, besides a slew of astounded noises.

"I mean--" Sir Harry went to say, but was cut off by Draco's hand covering his mouth. He was fully aware at this point of Draco's powerful glare, which shot through his core and into his soul.

"Don't," was all he said, before aggressively removing his hand, and turning to face the others. "Blaise is right. We need to focus on the task. We'll all need weapons and armor."

After explaining a few other things to the group, they all traveled together to the armory, which, because the knights were on strike, had a surplus of supplies. Everyone grabbed what they needed, whilst Sir Harry went to retrieve the Sword of Gryffindor from it's hiding place.

"Are you sure it's safe to bring this?" asked Sir Harry, holding the sword out infront of him. "I don't see why I can't just use a normal sword."

"I mean, you can. But do you really want to?" And Draco did a little half smile that made Sir Harry warm inside.

"Um, okay." Sir Harry just slid the sword into the sheath at his side.

"Anyway, does everyone also have their wands?" Draco asked, and literally everyone pulled out their wands. "Good. I think that means we're ready, then."

And they were off.

Sir Harry had never been further than the hills that surrounded the two kingdoms. He'd heard stories of what lay beyond, though. Apparently, he was the only one of their party who hadn't seen the sea. Hermione claimed the first time she'd gone was when she was with Pansy, so he assumed it was just one of the many differences of their kingdoms.

In no time, they reached the top of the hills. The path faded away up there, and Sir Harry soon realized why they hadn't gone on horseback.

Steep cliffs lined the side -- so steep that he didn't even know how they'd manage to reach the ground on the other side.

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