thirty-one ∆ another party's drama

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When morning came, neither Sir Harry nor Draco spoke of the night before. Instead, they both just continued to work on the party decorations. Narcissa brought in the finished tablecloths. By noon, everything was set up and ready to go.

"The guests won't be arriving until later tonight," Draco said. "What to do in the meantime..."

There was something on Sir Harry's mind. "We should see how you did that thing with the apples last night. Maybe you can try and do it again."

Draco shrugged him off, and slipped further back into the sofa. "Probably just a fluke. I was insanely tired, you know."

"It might've been, but we'll never know if--"

"We should pick out our outfits for the party!" Draco practically shouted, effectively cutting Sir Harry off.

"Um, okay," he said. "I guess we should do that."

And then Draco grabbed him by the hand and started dragging him out of the ballroom.

Draco had some servants bring all the fanciest clothes in the castle to the dining hall. By the time they were finished, there was barely enough room to move around.

"Okay!" Draco announced moving on to the first set. "I'm pretty sure these are all plain suits. Over there--" He pointed to another rack. "Those are the ones with embellishments."

"Got it."

"And there's also dresses, if you're feeling frisky," he added.

The only thing Sir Harry was feeling at that moment was overwhelmed. Though, he said, "Maybe I'll try a couple out, see how I feel. I was thinking something red."

Draco laughed at that. "You wore red last time. How about pink?"

"I don't think I've ever worn anything pink before. Ooh, this looks nice--" He went over and picked out a purple suit. It had gems in the shape of grapes plastered on it.

"That's...a start," Draco said hesitantly. "Oh! There's also a dress to match."

Sir Harry was suddenly surprised at the sheer amount of outfits there were to choose from.

"What if one of us wears the suit, and the other wears the dress?" Draco suggested.

"Do you want to wear the dress?" Sir Harry asked, only because he seriously didn't want to wear it himself. Plus, he really liked the suit.

"I mean..." Draco looked it up and down. It was a ball gown fit with a sweetheart neckline. "You think it'll stay up? I don't exactly have...the chest for it."

Sir Harry was a bit offended. "Neither do I!"

"Yeah, but you're, like, wider," Draco pointed out. "You're stronger; you've got more muscle, you know?"

"Okay, I guess." He rolled his eyes. "You could at least try it on."

Draco shook his head, smiled, and went behind a divider to change. Sir Harry went behind a different one, and changed into the suit.

"So, what do you think?" Draco said once they'd both finished changing. "I think that suit looks nice on you, by the way."

Sir Harry looked Draco up and down. The dress, surprisingly, actually fit him. "It's nice, but I think it'd look even better with a bit of a sleeve."

Draco went over to the dresses, and pulled two that were identical out. "You said you wanted pink. How about we both wear dresses?"

Sir Harry wasn't so sure. "Um, okay."

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