twenty-eight ∆ beneath the sky

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Sir Harry ran over as quickly as he could, and just barely countered the next spell Voldemort threw out.

"Draco! I got Nagini!" he said, breathing heavily. His throat felt dry, and his head felt like it was exploding. "It's okay. I'm here. You don't have to fight anymore."

Draco groaned as he layed in the grass. Sir Harry turned around for a split second and noticed he was shivering.

It was growing darker outside. The clouds had already been covering much of the sun, and now it was practically night out, but those same clouds were still lingering in the sky. They covered the moon and the stars, almost to the point that there was no light to act as a guide through the dark.

Sir Harry's heart filled with dread at the thought of Draco being so afraid or exhausted that he was shaking and shivering on the ground, in the dirt. Now, he was serious angry at Voldemort for all the pain he'd caused in such a short amount of time. He didn't even care if the death curse would work or not, that's just what was on the tip of his tongue, as he violently fired again and again, never once landing a hit, but ultimately growing closer and closer -- close enough to be certain that if he fired he wouldn't miss, and if he swung the evil before him would be instantly vanquished.

But, a quiet voice called out from behind him, "Wait! What about what you said before? About not wanting to hurt anyone?"

What was Draco even trying to get at? "I already killed the damn snake! What would be the point in sparing him now?" Sir Harry was barely able to dodge at this point.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to kill him, too!"

"He hurt you -- he's still hurting you, right now!" He yelled back. "What would be the point?"

Suddenly, there was a hand on Sir Harry's back. Of course, it was Draco's. Who else's hand would it be?

"Love, I think he's just misunderstood... Also, he has a child. That woman I fought off in the cave is the mother. She said whilst we were in battle -- probably trying to distract me." Draco slid his hand away, down to his side. He made eye contact with Voldemort, who had stopped attacking, and now looked startled. "Maybe just knowing that fact alone is enough to change him."

"What the hell--"

"The baby was born?" Voldemort spoke slowly, causing Sir Harry to shift back a little. "Did she say whether it was a boy or a girl?"

"She said her name is Delphini."

"Draco, we can't let him go just because he has a daughter," Sir Harry pointed out. "He's killed people, and-- and he's a menace to society!"

"Yeah," Draco mumbled. "But I've also killed people, and...I could've also been considered a menace at some point in my life." And then he cast the stunning spell, and Voldemort fell unconscious before them.

"What're we even going to do with him?" Sir Harry asked, lazily attempting to keep him from falling to the ground.

"Take him to the dungeons, obviously."

"Which dungeons?" Sir Harry asked, even though he knew the answer.

"My castle's dungeons, obviously," he said. "I know, I know. We'll have to go through the forest again."

At that Sir Harry groaned, and heaved Voldemort up into his arms. "Well, alright. Let's get going."

Suddenly, Draco clutched his arm to his stomach, clearly in pain.

"You okay?" Sir Harry asked, concern laced throughout his tone. He loosened his grip on Voldemort.

"Uh, yeah--" Draco tried to stand up straight, but winced again. "It's my arm."

"Is something happening to the mark?"

"I think so. I wonder if the others are feeling this too." Eventually, Draco managed to stand up again, still clutching his forearm. He removed his hand for a second, and a red -- almost like a scar -- could been seen, instead of the normal pitch black.

"What's it like?" Sir Harry asked, quickly becoming distracted by the sound of snoring coming from the strange unconscious man he was holding onto.

"It was searing at first, like when I burnt my hand taking that pie out of the oven," he explained. "But now it's just...tingly. I can feel the blood rushing through my arm. It's strange."

He was right, that did sound strange. "Maybe you were right; maybe all he needed was to know that he has a child."

Suddenly, Draco had a look of horror on his face at a realization. "If he's with my aunt, does that make him my uncle?"

Sir Harry laughed, and nudged Draco's shoulder. "Pretty sure they need to be married for that to happen. But the child is technically your cousin."

"Weird." Draco shook his head. "Wonder if we'll get along when she's older?"

"We can only hope," Sir Harry said, as they started off toward the forest. "But maybe you should wait to ponder on that, seeing as you haven't even met her yet."

Draco actually laughed a little at that. "Yeah. Probably."

And they were off.

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