thirty-three ∆ the long walk

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Sir Harry was shocked to find that there was barely a trace of anyone in the castle -- and that's when he realized that there hadn't been a border patrol when him and Draco had arrived either.

He made a beeline to the throne room, hoping he wouldn't stumble upon someone. Ron would probably be alright (or Blaise, because apparently he was supposedly also there), but if it were anyone else he couldn't be sure.

However, he didn't have to worry about it for long because he was facing the large doors of the throne room before he knew it. Hesitantly, he knocked, and wondered if anyone would answer.

After a long while, the doors opened to reveal Prince George.

"Ah, haven't seen you in awhile," he said, fully opening the door to reveal the entire royal family and what seemed like every knight of King Arthur, looking shocked. As they should be. Sir Harry's face was probably the same, considering how unnecessarily frightened the sight made him feel.

He really was becoming a horrible knight, wasn't he?

"Oh my, Sir Harry!" King Arthur announced, rather ungracefully. He stood. "Everyone who isn't myself or Sir Harry, please excuse yourself from this room."

With that, everyone left. Sir Harry moved on into the throne room and the doors were shut behind him. King Arthur stood from his seat.

"Sir Harry," he started, violently. "Where have you been?"

Sir Harry hesitated. "I-- I, um...I was at the Malfoy Kingdom. I've been staying in the castle...with Draco."

"And what constitutes me not throwing you in the dungeons right this second for defying me?" The question wasn't rhetorical, that's for sure.

"Well, I..." Might as well be honest at this point. "Draco and I are lovers."

Okay, maybe that was a little too honest.

King Arthur's expression didn't falter. "Good for you. That still doesn't give you the right to defy myself and this kingdom."

"I-- Sorry, Your Majesty," was all he managed to get out.

"I mean, look at you. You've practically just come to visit this kingdom, and you're not even suited up." He shook his head. "I'm beginning to believe that sending you on that quest was a mistake."

Sir Harry was heartbroken. His throat had gone dry, and tears threatened to spill at the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to remove your status as a knight of this kingdom," the king said simply, not a trace of emotion in his voice.

He was no longer Sir Harry Potter. Now, he was just Harry Potter -- nothing more, nothing less. Just...Harry.

It wasn't unexpected; he just never thought it'd happen so quickly.

"Um...okay," he choked out. He took a moment to compose himself, before saying. "I guess this is goodbye, then, Your Majesty?"

"I guess it is," King Arthur replied. "Now, off with you! I've my son's wedding to plan!"

Strangely enough, the energy was kind as he was ushered out of the throne room, and into the long hallway. It was quiet at first, but then Prince Ron, who now had Blaise on his arm, took sight of him, and ran over, pulling Blaise along with him.

"Harry! Where have you been!?" he exclaimed. Blaise looked bored. "Oh my gods, are you okay?"

"Um, not really..." Harry said, wiping his cheeks. "I was just de-knighted."

"Oh." Prince Ron wasn't very helpful.

Blaise slapped a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. You're with Draco now, right? I'm sure he'll make you a knight again in an instant!"

"Yeah!" Prince Ron agreed, nodding his head.

"Okay," Harry said, staring at the ground. "Well, you two should get back to planning your wedding."

"Oh, you're right," Ron said, tugging Blaise along again. "C'mon, let's go talk with my dad about the food budget. Maybe we can convince him to make it unlimited!"

Harry watched as they ran off, back into the throne room. Everyone else followed behind them, and the doors were closed.

He sluggishly walked back to Draco. Against his better judgement, he let his tears fall. He shouldn't be afraid to cry, he just didn't want Draco to worry about him.

Draco was leaning against the wall when he spotted him. "Woah, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Not really," Harry sobbed, accepting Draco's hug. "I'm not a knight anymore."

"Um, you know I can just re-knight you under my kingdom, right?" Draco suggested.

"It just wouldn't be the same," he said. "I mean, I was kind of expecting this, but I don't think I was fully prepared."

Unexpectedly, Draco laughed. "We could get married, and you could be my queen."

Harry pulled away at that, and looked Draco in the eyes. "Uh, I don't think I'd like that very much-- you know, being refered to as Queen Harry. Sounds kinda strange."

"What if we were to just get married, no titles necessary...except for husband, I'd assume. But, then again, married couple is fine by me."

"I'd like that, eventually," Harry said. "I think we should probably worry about getting back through the forest, now, though."

"It's alright, there's no need to rush things," Draco said, kissing Harry on the cheek, before climbing back up on his horse. He waited for Harry to do the same, before announcing, "Okay, let's go."

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