seventeen ∆ magic within us

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Draco almost immediately took his wand back.

"Best you don't go around shattering all the vases, now," he had said.

Something within Sir Harry wanted -- needed -- to try whatever he'd done, again.

But he was stuck lying on an olive-colored leather sofa, thinking instead of doing. Waiting for Draco to come back with whatever he had went to get from the dungeons. At least he had Astoria to talk to.

"Don't take it personally. Draco's wand just doesn't like you too much," she said, from the sofa opposite him.

Sir Harry didn't even want to ask what she'd meant. "Well, do you have a wand, then?"

"Yes, but it's upstairs. In my room."

Her room. "So you and Draco don't even sleep in the same room? Isn't that a bit strange?"

Astoria sat up. "Goodness, it'd be strange if we did..."

"Why--" he was cut off.

"Because he's king now. Plus, he prefers to sleep alone. Says he gets more rest that way."

"Hey, why aren't you carrying your wand on you?" asked Sir Harry. "Wouldn't it be safer that way?"

"Yes, but I don't want to rely on it all the time."

Just then, Draco came flying through the door, tons of small, rectangular boxes in hand. He dropped them on the table.

"Each one has a different core," he said, opening one of the boxes. "I made sure of it."

Sir Harry sat up. "So you just have stocks of wands just lying around?"

"Yeah. There's this guy -- Ollivander, lives pretty far from here, close to the sea -- he makes them, and we send someone every so often to collect them."

"The sea..." Sir Harry had always wanted to visit the sea. "So there are people outside of your kingdom who are also magic?"

"There's magic everywhere, Harry. Even in your kingdom. You're a perfect example of that."

"Do you know of anyone else in my kingdom who's magic?" he asked.

"That Hermione girl Pansy's seeing. And I'm pretty sure Princess Ginny, too."

He couldn't care less about Hermione being magic. Maybe that's part of the reason Pansy liked her so much. "The princess?"

"Yeah. I think my father's wand switched allegiance when she killed him. I think it considers itself her wand now."

Okay. This was getting a little too much for him to handle, now.

Astoria interjected, "I think Lady Luna's also magic. But she doesn't know it. She found the princess far too quickly."

"Let me guess, you think Cedric's magic as well?" said Sir Harry, sarcastically.

"He could very well be. Wasn't he defeated by the dragon?"

"Yeah... I didn't know anyone here knew about that. Why, though?"

"Dragons don't fight back unless they feel particularly overpowered. If Sir Cedric was the only one around, it shouldn't have attacked. So, it probably sensed his magic." Draco shook his head. "But that doesn't matter right now. Here, try this." He handed Sir Harry a wand.

He gave it a flick, and immediately a burning hole appeared beside him on the sofa. Draco seemed prepared enough, though, as he quickly had his wand in hand, muttering a quiet, "Aguamenti!" Water shot from his wand's tip, dousing the fire, and also Sir Harry, some.

Walking On Glass ∆ Drarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now