Chapter 7: Kidnapped

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Most of the people at the party ran out while you, Bucky and the team wait to see what caused the explosion. That's when you see him, it's Loki. You see him come out of the smoke with a grin on his face. "Well, don't let me crash the party, come on let's have some fun." He says laughing and holding the tesseract. Everyone including you and Bucky run towards him trying to take him down and take the tesseract away from him. He blasts Tony and everyone but you block the blow towards you with your powers, Bucky manages to fight Loki but blasts him "No! Bucky!" You yell and run towards him but Loki grabs you by the waist "Let go of me!" You scream, before anyone can get to you Loki takes you and you both teleport to a different place "Y/N NO!" Everyone screams , Bucky is still on the floor with a devastated look on his face "No, not my doll.." He says with his hand reached out. You wake up in a cell where Loki put you. "Hello? Help! Anyone please help me! Bucky where are you!" You scream frantically hitting the door of the cell. "You have such a pretty voice darling." You see someone come from the shadows "Loki?" You ask trying to see who it is "The one and only." He says stepping into the light with a smile on his face and his arms spread out holding a book in one hand. "What the hell do you want, why did you take me!" You yell at him hitting the glass. "Temper, temper pet." He tells you walking closer to you. "It's nice to finally meet you y/n Rogers." You look at him surprised "What?" You say giving him a confused look  "Y/n Rogers, daughter of Steve Rogers, now 87 years old. I have to say, you do look quite young and beautiful considering your age." "How do you-" He interrupts you "It was quite difficult but I managed to grab your folder." You have a confused look on your face "Where did you get that?" He smiles at you "Well from hydra of course, I also have your little friend Bucky's folder. You both have very interesting lives." You get angry "Where is he you asshole, I'll kill you if you hurt him!" You try and use your powers but nothing happens "Trying to use your powers? Sorry darling but that cell your in won't let you do that." You look at him angrily but then your facial expression turns to a confused one "Wait who did you say I was the daughter of?" He snickers "That would be Steve Rogers pet." Everything clicks, that's why Steve recognized you when you first met, it explains why he acts so funny around you. All of the sudden memories start flooding back to you, you fall to the ground and scream in pain clenching your head. You get flooded with memories and pass out. You later wake up and hold your head "Ugh, what the hell?" You have all your memories back, of when you grew up and we're with your dad Steve and everything you both did together and when you were taken by hydra. You see Loki come in "Ah, your finally awake darling." You get up quickly and bang on the glass "Let me out you jerk!" He smiles at you "Now why would I do that, knowing the powers you have you could possibly escape and we can't have that now can we pet." You look at him angrily. "Why the hell did you take me, what do you want from me!?" He grins at you "You are very powerful y/n, more than you think. And I want you to join me in taking over the avengers." You look at him and laugh "Why would I ever help you, I'm not a bad person. I would never join you." You say laughing at him "We'll see about that darling." He says smiling and he leaves. You sit down in the corner of the cell and curl your knees up to your chest "Bucky I miss you, please find me quick." A few days pass by and the avengers still haven't found you. You see Loki come up to your cell and he sits down. "How would you like to chat darling?" He says smiling, you look at him giving him a death stare. "Well then, how about I start." Your roll your eyes "How are you feeling pet?" You get angry "Stop calling me that." He smiles at you "I think it suits you quite well actually." You look at him angrily "Your insane." You tell him as you turn your back to him. "I'm sorry if I upset you, that wasn't my intention darling." He says trying to get you to face him again. "When I was younger my mother would tell me stories and would have me do some magic for her before I went to bed. She used to say I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it." You turn around to face him again, he hold up his hand and makes fireworks come out of his hand "This was her favorite thing I did." You look at him and look down to the floor "It's a nice trick." He smiles "Thank you darling." You look back up to him quickly "Don't think this makes us friends, I still don't like you because you hurt my best friend and took me away from my family." You say angrily and look back down "That's okay darling, you will soon trust me." He says as he stands up and leaves "I will never trust you." You whisper to yourself. As a couple of days go by and Loki comes to your cell for a bit of time to chat with you, he talks about memories of his childhood and shows nice tricks to you and you slowly tell him about yourself as well. Back at the tower Bucky is very anxious to find you and has been trying to help Tony find you. "Is there anywhere you think he would have taken her?" He asks anxiously "I don't know Bucky, it's hard to say where he took her, they did teleport after all and he could have taken her to a number of places." He says trying to calm Bucky down "Please, you have to find her. I need her back." He says and Tony can see the pain in his eyes. "We are doing everything we can Bucky, I promise." Back to you and Loki he comes to visit you once again to chat "Hello darling, how are you this morning?" You look at him sad "I'm ok." He sits down confused "What's wrong pet?" You look at him upset "You know exactly what's wrong Loki, I don't want to stay here. I want to see Bucky again." He gets upset "What is with this Bucky person, why do you care about him so much?" You look at him now angry and you stand up "He's my best friend, he was the only person who helped me through everything, I spent almost my whole life next to his side. He's my other half and I need him back!" You say yelling at Loki. Loki stands up as well with an angry look on his face that quickly turns to sadness "If I let you go, you will turn me in and I'll loose you forver." You look at him confused "What are you talking about?" He looks up at you "I want to be your other half darling." You stare at him in shock and at a loss for words. "W-what?" You say nervously.

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