Chapter 14: Party planner

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*Bucky's Pov* While your down talking with Loki Bucky goes to the lab to talk with Tony "Hey Tony." He looks towards you "Oh hey Bucky, what's up." You sit down "I wanted to talk to you about y/n." He sits down too "It's her birthday this weekend and I want to throw a party for her." Tony smiles "Well I can arrange that." You smile at Tony "Thank you, I want to keep it a secret from her though." He laughs "She thinks it's just going to be a small get together party." Tony laughs "Well I can't wait to see her reaction to a huge party." You both laugh and continue planning y/n's party. *Back to y/n Pov* Loki is leaning against the glass and so are you, he is reading Romeo and Juliet to you. "Hey Loki, it's getting kind of late I should be going back." He book marks the book and closes it "Okay darling, goodnight I hope go see you soon to finish the book. You smile and look back at him " Goodnight Loki." You walk to the elevators and walk down the hallway and see Bucky come out of the lab "Hey Bucky what were you doing in the lab?" He stops but tries go act natural "Oh you know just talking." You laugh "Uh okay, so what did you have in mind for tonight?" You ask as you both walk to your room "Oh I have a thing or two in mind." He smirks as you both go into your room, he closes the door and presses you against the wall by your hips "Well why don't you demonstrate that idea." You say smirking, he leans closer to your neck and you can feel his warm breath on your neck. He softly kisses your neck, and he picks you up. He lays you on the bed and you both do the deed ;'). You eventually both fall asleep and are both able to sleep peacefully through the night, you feel the sun beam on your face and you wake up. You turn around and scoot closer to Bucky, you lightly kiss him on the neck "Good morning bucky." He smiles and opens his eyes "Good morning doll." he hugs you and you lay your head on his chest and trace your finger on his stomach. "Hey buck." He looks down "Yeah doll?" You blush but he doesn't see it "Do you think we should tell the others about us, like be official?" He starts to play with your hair "I actually thought about that too, I think we should. Only if your comfortable with that though, if you want to wait a little longer we can." You smile and look up at him and kiss him "No, I'd like to tell them now." He smiles "Okay doll, whatever you want." You both eventually get up and shower. You get out and change into a baby blue dress with one of Bucky's jean jackets that you stole and black and white vans. You go to bucky's room and see him already out if the shower and changed. You go up to him and kiss him "Ready?" He smiles "of course." You both leave bucky's room "Hey FRIDAY." You see him pop up "Yes y/n" "Can you call everyone for a meeting in the main room please?" "Of course y/n." You and Bucky both go to the main room and sit down next to each other, you see everyone come to the main room a little confused "Hey kid, what did you call a meeting for? Is something wrong?" Tony asks sitting down, eventually everyone sits down and you look at Bucky and smile "Nothing is wrong me and Bucky just have some news that we thought we should share with you guys." Everyone looks at each other then back at you "Me and Bucky are together." Everyone smiles "That's pretty obvious y/n" Nat says smiling, "Wait really?" You say blushing "Yeah we thought so ever since we saw you two." Tony chimes in. "Why didn't anyone say anything?" Bucky asks "Well we wanted to wait for you guys to tell us." Steve says smiling "Oh, okay. I guess the meetings over then." You say laughing. Everyone leaves smiling but you take the opportunity to have Steve stay to try and get Bucky's memories back. You use your powers to tell Steve to stick around. He turns around and sits down. "What's up y/n?" You grab Bucky's hand "Well dad, since everyone left I wanted to see if you wanted to talk with me and Bucky maybe try and get his memories back." Bucky looks at you confused "Oh, yeah I have time." You smile "Where should I begin?" He says with a small smile "Anywhere you want, maybe how you guys met." He looks down and smiles "Me and Bucky were actually child hood friends and fought together." Bucky looks at Steve intrigued "Wow really? What else?" You see Steves smile fade "We went on a mission together to fight a guy named "Red Skull" but something went wrong.. in our attempt to catch Zola Bucky got caught in a ambush and I tried to save you buck I tried so hard to get you on the train again b-but... you fell." You see bucky's eyes widen and he's teary eyed "You fell and I thought you died." All of the sudden Bucky grabs his head and starts screaming in pain "Bucky what's wrong, are you okay!?" You use your mind control to see what he is seeing, you see thousands of memories flooding his head and you quickly stop because it gives you a headache, Bucky passes out and you catch him "Dad help me take him to his room." You and Steve carry Bucky to his room and lay him on the bed. You lay down next to him "What did you see y/n?" You sit down next to Bucky "I saw all his memories coming back, to much at once though. The same thing happened to me." Steve smiles "It worked, I can't believe it worked. I have my Bucky back." You smile back "Yeah, I'm so glad it worked." You lay down next to Bucky. "I'll leave you two alone, let me know when he wakes up." You smile "I will." Steve leaves and you pull out your ipod and earbuds to music while you wait for Bucky to wake up.

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