Chapter 11: Frenemies

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"Before you couldn't stand me, now you want to talk. What changed darling?" He says smiling, you sit down on the floor just like he used to. "I wanna know why you kissed me." He sits down too "I already told-" you cut him off "No. I wanna know the real reason." You say to him giving him a serious look, his smile fades. "Because I feel a connection with your, I don't know why really. I just feel the need to be with you and protect you, but clearly you don't feel the same way." You look down "I don't know what I feel okay." He looks up kind of shocked "So you feel it too then?" He says anxiously "Y-yes, no? I don't know. I have a strong bond with Bucky but I also feel something with you I just can't figure out what it is." He sees how stressed you are "Relax darling, I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do." You look at him shocked "You seem awfully nice even though your the bad guy." He smiles and looks down "Well, I think there are no villains in this world. There are just misunderstood heroes." You look at him and you give him a small smile "Wow, I've never thought of it that way." He laughs "If you'd like we can get to know each other, then maybe you'd know my story." You smile "I'd like tha-" you get cut off by someone yelling your name "Y/n! Y/n where are you?" You see Bucky rushing down the stairs and he sees you with Loki "Y/n what the hell are you doing?" You stand up quickly "I was just-" before you could continue what you were saying he grabs your arm and dragges you into the elevator and you both leave "Hey what the hell is your problem!?" You yell at him but he gives you a angry look "Whats wrong with me!? Whats wrong with you, what the hell were you thinking y/n!" You get mad that he's yelling at you "I was just talking to him nothing else. Plus I thought you weren't talking to me." You cross your arms "I said I needed time to think not that I wasn't talking to you." You look down "Still it doesn't make it better, I don't like you being mad at me." He sighs and tries to calm down "I'm sorry doll, I just get upset that you would go and talk to him after what he did to you." You look back up at him and you hug him "I'm sorry Bucky, I was just trying to figure out why he did what he did that was all." He looks down at you and hugs you back "That's ok doll, just make sure you tell me your going down there okay. I got scared you went missing again." You smile at him "You'd be the first one I'd project to if I was in trouble." He laughs "Yeah I hope so." The doors to the elevator open and you both go to the main room and sit down "What were you guys talking about?" You avoid eye contact with him "I asked him why he kissed me." He he sits up "And?" You finally look at him "He said because he feels a connection between us and be wanted to figure out why that was." He gives you a confused look "So that means he can just kiss you?" You grab his hand "Relax buck." He gives you a serious look "Do you feel a connection towards him?" You give him a sad look "Yeah, I don't know why though." He gets kind of upset "He's a bad guy though, he almost destroyed the city how can you feel that way towards him?" You kind of get upset too "You don't know his story, he's not completely bad okay." He looks confused "Why are you defending him?" You rub your head "I don't know!" He looks shocked by the way your acting "I need to go." He says getting up and quickly walking to his room, you follow him "Bucky wait!" You yell but be doesn't stop, he closes his door in your face. "Bucky please let me in." You can hear sadness in his voice "Leave me alone y/n." You open the door anyways and quickly go in and shut and lock the door behind you "Please Bucky, let's finish talking." He turns his back to you "I mean it y/n, leave me alone." You walk up to him grabbing his shoulder to turn him around "Bucky what's wrong with you?" He turns around quickly and pushes you pinning you against the wall "Bucky.." He looks down "Please leave, it hurts too much." You can hear the sadness in his voice as he loosens his grip, you lift his face up so he looks at you "Just tell me what's-" before you could finish what you say he kisses you. Your shocked by what's happening, should you pull away or just let it happen, your mind is racing and he pulls back "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" You kiss him back and you both make out and he carries you to his bed "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." You keep kissing him "Just shut up dummy." You both do the deed and morning comes "Good morning doll." You wake up to kisses on your neck, you immediately smile "Good morning Bucky boy." He smirks "So, last night was.. " you smile "Yeah it was." You lay on his chest and he plays with your hair "Bucky?" You say looking up at him "Yeah doll?" You look back down and he continues playing with your hair "How long have you liked me " he laughs "A very, very long time." You giggle "Why did you never say anything?" He blushes "I hinted it to you so many times you just never got the message because your so oblivious." You both laugh "Well I'm glad you finally made a move." He smiles "Yeah me too." His smile quickly fades though "What about Loki?" You look up at him "What about him?" He looks away from you "You know, your guys connection." You look back down "Its something I need to figure out, that's why I need to talk to him more." He sighs "I just hate the fact that you talk to him." You get off his chest and whisper in his ear "Don't worry buck, I'm all yours." He blushes but tries go hide it. You both get up and shower and get ready for the day and it's your first training session with Tony. You go down to the main room with Bucky to have breakfast "Morning guys." Everyone looks at you "Morning y/n." Tony looks at you "Ready for your training today? Your not soar or anything." You stop eating for a split second "Um no, why would I be?" He smirks "Well from all that fun we heard last night we thought you'd be a little soar." You immediately blush "Tony!" Everyone laughs and you all finish breakfast and you and Tony go to the training room "Ready old man?" You smile "Whenever you are grandma." You smirk "Oh it's on."

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