Chapter 16: Birthday

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*Bucky's Pov* you hear your alarm go off and you stretch and get up and change. You quietly head to y/n's room and jump on her bed "Good morning doll and Happy Birthday!" you yell happily. *Y/n Pov* You groan "Ugh, what time is it?" You say covering your face "It's 8:30" he says still on top of you "Why so early?" You rub your eyes and look at him "Well I had to wake up earlier than you so I could say happy birthday to you first." He says with a big smile "Okay well I'm up now." You see how happy Bucky is so you decide not to ruin his mood. "Get up and shower, I have some things planned for today." He says getting off of you. "okay okay I'm going." You say getting up and stretching. You take a shower and change into a black t shirt with small white stripes, baggy ripped jeans and white air forces. You get out of the bathroom and see Bucky laying on your bed, you quietly walk up to him and his eyes are closed, you get close to his face and kiss him, he opens his eyes and smiles "Hey doll, ready to go?" He says standing up "Yup, where are you taking me by the way?" He grabs your hand a smiles "You'll see." You both walk to the main room and see everyone having breakfast "Hey everyone." You say smiling "Happy Birthday!" Everyone yells, you smile "Thank you." Nat looks at you "Sit down and have breakfast with us birthday girl." Before you can sit down Bucky interrupts "Actually Nat I'm taking y/n out for a while." She smiles at Bucky "Okay, I'll see you both later then. Have fun you two." You smile and you both leave and you see Bucky get into a car "Come on doll, Tony let me borrow it for the day." You smile and get in and you play music and enjoy the ride, you drive to a restaurant and you both get out "Wow Bucky this place looks cool, and look at that view of the city." He laughs "I thought you'd like it, come on let's go inside." He grabs your hand and you both head inside "Hello, I have a reservation for barnes." The lady checks the list "Yup here you are, right this way." You both follow the lady to a table that has a big window so you can look out and see the city. "Here are your menus." She lays down the menus and leaves and you look out the window "Bucky this place is amazing, thank you." He smiles "Anything for you doll." After a few minutes the waitress comes back and you both order and she takes your menus. You and Bucky talk for a little and the waitress comes with your food. You both enjoy your food and enjoy your time together. "That was very good." You say smiling and leaning back "Yeah it was." He says smiling, the waitress brings the check and Bucky pays and you both leave, you both get into the car "Ready for the next adventure?" Your face lights up "Theres more?" He laughs and drives, he takes you to a small ice cream shop and you both get out of the car "I hope you have room for dessert." You smile "Always." You both go inside and order and go back outside and sit at a table. "Wow this taste so good." You say with a big smile, he chuckles and smiles at you "Here try some." You take a spoon full of your ice cream and give it to Bucky. "Wow that is good." He smiles, he takes a spoon full of his and gives it to you "Here taste mine." You eat it and look at Bucky with a big smile on your face "That is so good, this is the best day ever." He laughs "Your so cute     y/n." You blush and you both continue eating your ice cream, when you finish you both get back into the car and go home and you see Nat in the main room "Hey Nat we're back." She gets up and smiles at you "So how was it?" You smile "It was so amazing." You tell Nat everything that you guys did. "Wow that does sound amazing, I'm glad you had a good time." Bucky grabs your hand "Hey doll, i have to talk to Steve real quick so I'll be back." You smile "Okay buck." He leaves and after talking with Nat for a bit you leave too and go to the lab "Hey Tony." He smiles at you "Hey kid how was it?" You smile "It was amazing, I had a lot of fun." He smiles "Well I'm glad to hear that." You sit down "Hey can I talk to you real quick." He sits down too "Yeah of course what's up?" You look down "I have a request for my birthday." He smiles "Anything for you kid." You look down "I want Loki out of his cell." Tony gives you a confused look "What why would you want that? He's a bad person." You look back at him kind of upset "He's not though, I've spent time with him and I know why he tried to destroy the city." Tony looks at you shocked "Okay and why was that?" He asks crossing his arms "Because he was controlled, the scepter he had contained the mind stone and it controlled him. He didn't want to say anything because he knew you wouldn't believe him." He scoffs "Yeah maybe that's because he's full of tricks." You look sad "Please Tony I know he's a good person. Please do me this favor." He contemplates it for a while "Fine, but under one condition." You smile "He's doesn't leave this tower and he will be your responsibility." You jump up and hug him "Thank you Tony!" You leave the lab and go straight to the elevators to see Loki. You run up to his cell "Loki, Loki guess what." He pits his book down "Hello darling, what is it?" You smile "I got you out of the cell, you don't have to be in here anymore." He looks shocked.

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