Chapter 15: Memories

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You listen to music for a while waiting for Bucky to wake up. You feel Bucky move his arm and groan, you use your powers to tell Steve that Bucky is waking up. You sit up "Bucky, are you okay?" He sits up and rubs his head "Yeah, I'm okay doll." Steve comes in the room and goes next to Bucky "Hey Bucky." Bucky looks up at Steve and smiles "Steve!" He jumps up and hugs him. "I'm so glad you finally remember me buck." They both pull away and Bucky laughs "You used to put newspapers in your shoes." Steve laughed, you hug Bucky from behind "I'm glad you finally got your memories back bucky." He laughs "Yeah me too doll." Everyone gets up and goes down to the lab "Tony you won't believe it, Bucky got his memories back!" You say excitedly "Really? That's incredible, how'd it happen?" Tony and brice look confused, you explain what happened in the main room. "Amazing isn't it." You say with a big smile "Yeah it is, I'm happy for your bucky." He says with a smile "Thank you Tony." Bucky says with a smile "This calls for a celebration." Your face lights up "Yeah, we can have a party." Bucky looks at you "I dont think we need to take it that far-." Tony cuts him off "Then its settled we are having a party tonight in honor of you two getting your memories back." He looks at you annoyed "Fine." You laugh, and use your powers to talk to Bucky "Come on it will be fun, you'll see." He sighs and gives you a small smile. You go out to tell everyone the news. Before you head back to the lab to meet Bucky you stop in your tracks and stare at the elevator. You debate weather you should go down or not. You quickly go into the elevator to see Loki, you reach the very last floor and step out and walk go Loki's cell but he has his back turned to you so he doesn't see you, before you say anything you can see him pull out the ipod you gave him and click on your favorite playlist and listens to it and pulls out a book and reads it, you walk up to his cell and sit down and tap on the glass "Hey Loki." He quickly looks at you and pulls out the earbuds "Oh um hello midgaurdian, I didn't hear you coming." He says kind of startled "Did I scare you?" You giggle "No, of course not." He scoffs "Well I see your enjoying the things I brought you." He looks down and smiles "Yes, I quite enjoy them." You smile "Well I'm glad you do." He smiles and puts his book a side "What brings you down here darling, did you want to finish the book?" You smile but look down "No sadly I can't today, Bucky got his memories back and Tony is throwing a party to celebrate. I wanted to see you for a bit before I had to go to the party." He smiles "Well that's okay darling, perhaps tomorrow. I'm happy you came to visit me even if it is only for a few minutes." You smile and look back at him "I'm sorry your stuck in here, I wish I could do something to get you out." You say kind sad "It's not your fault darling, I got myself stuck in here. Twice." He smiles "Why did you do those things Loki?" You ask confused, his smile fades "I  was controlled, the scepter contains the mind stone and controlled me." You look shocked "Why didn't you say anything?" He laughs "They wouldn't believe me, plus I kidnapped you so I guess it's just better if I stay here." You give him a sad look "Loki I will get you out of here because no matter what anyone says I believe you do have good in you." You put your hand up to the glass "I have to go but I'll see you again soon." You get up and leave in the elevators "I hope so darling." You go back to the lab "Hey doll where were you?" He says putting his arm around you "Oh um I went to the bathroom." You say smiling. "Come on we should get ready for the party." He smiles "Okay doll." You both head back to your own rooms and you both change, you put on a a pink dress that has black butterflies at the bottom fading into pure black, and black heels and you do your hair. After you finish getting ready you go to Bucky's room and he has a white shirt with a jean jacket, jeans and white shoes. "Hey doll rea-." He stops talking and looks you up and down "Wow doll, you look really beautiful." He says smiling, you blush "Thank you bucky." You walk closer to him "You don't look too bad yourself buck." He smiles and kisses you "Come on doll, I think people are arriving. We should join them." You smile and you both start walking out the door to the main room, you and Bucky see a bunch of people already at the party "Wow there's kind of a lot of people here buck." You say squeezing his hand "It's okay doll, I'll be with you the whole night no need to be nervous." You smile and you both continue walking and you meet up with the team "Hello everyone." Everyone looks at you and Bucky "Hey kid, you look really nice." Tony says smiling "Thank you Tony." You say sitting down and Bucky sits next to you. You all enjoy the night and you all have drinks and laugh together. It gets kind of late and slowly more and more people start to leave and you fall asleep on Bucky. "You should take her to her room." Steve says getting up about to leave "Yeah." Bucky picks you up carefully "Thank you for the party Tony, me and y/n really appreciate it." Tony smiles "No problem Bucky, it was my pleasure." Bucky carrys you to your room and lays you down. He lays down next to you "Goodnight doll." He says softly kissing your forehead and he falls asleep.

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