Chapter 21: Distance

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You wake up in the morning and you actually were able to sleep pretty good last night because of Loki comforting you, you realize how close you are to him and you get nervous and move away "Something wrong darling?" He says with a smirk, opening his eyes "Uh n-no, there no problem." You say trying to be calm "If you say so, are you ready for the day?" You look down "No actually, I was thinking of just laying here in bed." He looks at you sad "Come on pet, you can't let him know he's affecting you." You get sad "But he is." He scoots closer to you "I know he is darling, but you have to be strong. Show him you can be independent." You look up and you have a small smile on your face "Your right Loki." He smiles "That's my girl, now get changed for the day." You smile and get up and go shower, when you get out you changed into a grey oversized hoodie that Thor gave you for your birthday, it has his hammer on it, black ripped jeans and white air forces. You go out to see Loki already changed as well. "Ah I see you are wearing that sweater my brother gave you." You smile "Yeah, it's cute I really like it." He looks at you intrigued "You like oversized clothes?" You laugh "Yeah I like baggy sweaters, they are so comfortable and nice." He smiles a little bit "That's good to know." He says under his breath "What was that?" You ask "Oh nothing, let's go." He says smiling, you both walk to the main room and see Tony, Thor, and Banner having breakfast "Hey everyone." You say with a small wave "Ah hello tiny human, I'm glad to see you like the sweater I gave you." You smile "Yeah I do." Tony looks at you "Sit down kid have some breakfast." He serves you some food and looks at Loki "You can get your own plate." Loki smirks at him and grabs his plate of food, everyone enjoys their breakfast "I'm surprised your with Loki and not Bucky." Banner says, you stop eating for a split second but continue eating "Oh uh yeah, actually me and Bucky are not together anymore.." Everyone stops eating, Tony puts his hand on your shoulder "I'm sorry kid." You give him a small smile "It's ok I guess our relationship just isn't meant to be romantic. Plus I have Loki here helping me go through it so I'm grateful for him." You say smiling at Loki and he smiles back at you "Wow brother, I didn't see you as the type to help humans." Loki looks at Thor "I'm not, but y/n is different.. she's special." He says looking back at you and you smile, Tony sees how you react to Loki and gets suspicious but doesn't say anything, everyone finishes breakfast but before everyone leave Tony turns to you "So what are you going to do today since your not with Bucky at the moment?" You look down trying to think "Umm..." Loki interrupts "She will be spending the day with me." Everyone including you turns to Loki "I am?" You ask "Yes, I will be taking y/n out for the day to help with her sadness." You smile a little bit at how caring he is being "Okay then, but hurt her or kidnap her again and I will kill you." Tony says with a serious face "Understood Tony." Loki says with a smirk, you and Loki get up from the table and leave "So where are we going?" He smiles at you "You'll see." You both walk out if the city into a forest and you get kind of suspicious as to where Loki is taking you hut you dismiss it, you continue walking and he guides you into a wall of vines and you stop "A dead end?" You ask confused, he smiles and parts the vines and he walks inside, you carefully fallow him and you see a whole different place. You look around in amazement and you see a bunch of trees and birds flying around and a huge waterfall "Loki this place is beautiful!" You say with a huge smile looking around "Indeed it is." He says smiling at you "Where did you find this place?" You ask anxiously "Well, I was wondering around one day and stumbled upon it, your actually the first person I've brought here." You blush and continue looking around "Come sit down." He says walking over to the waterfall and you follow him and you both sit down "I come here to clear my mind, it helps me think." You smile "Yeah I can understand why. This place is really really amazing" he laughs "I'm glad you enjoy it so much." You turn to face him "You know what have made this just perfect?" He turns to you "What's that darling?" You smile "If we would have brought the book here." He laughs "Well your in luck darling because I have the book." You give him an excited look and you see him use his magic to bring out the book "Wow, you really had this planned didn't you." He smiles "Yes I did." You lean on his chest and he wraps his arm around you and continues to read from where you left off. You both stay there almost all day when you see the sun setting, "Maybe we should start heading back." Loki says looking down at you "Aww do we have to?" You say with a frown "Yes come on." He laughs "But we are almost finished with the book." He smiles "Then we can finish it tonight darling." You frown and stand up "Fine." He laughs and stand up and you both head back. Eventually you both arrive back at the tower and you see Bucky in the main room, you try to avoid him but he looks up and runs up to you "Y/n! Where were you I was looking for you." He says frantically "I was hanging out with Loki." You say kind of taken back by how he's acting considering you both were taking a break to figure things out "Why didn't you tell me?" You get kind of upset "Your the one who wanted to end things Buck, I was just leaving you alone like you wanted." You say with a serious face "Just because I wanted to end things didnt mean that I wanted to stop being your best friend." He says looking down "We are still best friends Bucky I just wanted to give you space." You say kind of feeling bad "Where did you go anyways?" Loki looks at you to see how you would respond "We just went walking." Loki looks down and smiles "Oh ok. Look doll, I'm so sorry how things ended between us. Can we just go back to how things were?" You smile "Yeah of course Bucky, we stick together." He smiles "Always and forever." Loki interferes "If you don't mind Barnes y/n is very tired." Bucky looks at Loki "Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow doll." You smile "Yeah, see you." You and Loki walk to your room and you can see Loki is a bit irritated about something "What's wrong Loki?" He looks at you "Nothing darling I'm fine." You walk up to him and give him a serious look "I know your lying, tell me what's wrong." He looks at you kind of surprised "Its just surprising how you forgave Bucky so quickly after how he hurt you." You look down "Well Bucky is my best friend, I would never let anything break that." He looks sad "Are you sure that's all he is?" You look back up at Loki confused "Well yea, its obvious our relationship doesn't work romantically, why?" He blushes "Nothing I was just asking." You grab his hand "Loki don't lie." He looks at you "You know y/n your the only person who can tell when I'm lying and when I'm not, when I'm sad and when I'm not. Its very confusing for me because I don't know how you do it." You smile at him "Because I know you Loki, I also know we have this weird connection and I think that's what helps us get along so well." He smiles back at you "I'm really glad I have you in my life darling." You blush "I am too Loki." He inches closer to you but looks away "I'm sorry, I promised I wouldn't push you." You turn his face towards yours and you kiss him, you both pull away and he looks surprised but then smiles. You both change and lay in bed "Would you like to finish the book darling?" You smile "Yes I would." He reads to your first a bit and finally finishes the book Romeo and Juliet "So how did you like it?" You smile and lay on his chest "I really liked it Loki, its a wonderful book." He lays the book on the night stand "I'm glad you liked it darling." He says closing his eyes, you both end up falling asleep together.

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