Chapter Six: You, Again?

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Chapter Six: You, Again?

Jeongyeon is tired even though it was early in the morning, she got her morning scolding session with her professor in front of the whole classroom, Dahyun is hiding from Jeongyeon while Jeongyeon, who knows where she's sitting, just stared at her and reminds her that she will be going to eat her lunch alone again for not waking her up.

Morning came earlier and Jeongyeon is blessed that the dorm wasn't as loud as before, when she woke up only the sound of her alarm clock and birds chirping outside can be heard, she smiles at herself enjoying the calm moment she has today.

She came out in her room and no one greets her with a ‘Good morning’ or ‘Unnie we're late!’, instead the dorm was empty. She came back into her room to look at her phone only to see that she's been thirty minutes late and the two younger girls didn't wake her up.

As soon as their first period is done, Jeongyeon quickly left Dahyun and goes to her next class.

She's not mad but she's sulking because nobody wakes her up, she's tired from her early morning scolding session every week and she doesn't want to be late again but her no-late streak resets from zero today.

While walking alone in the corridor, someone's scream caught her attention and when she looked up there were students who are blocking the way. She rolled her eyes as she ran towards it because she'll need to get to the other side of the corridor since she doesn't want to be late again.

When she was in the scene, there was a girl with architectural plates scattered around the floor and coffee spilled on it, the other girl was groaning in pain as she tried to stand up but failing because of her weak knee.

Jeongyeon would not care about it but then she saw something familiar, the color of the girl's hair that is tied up in a ponytail. Jeongyeon takes a quick peek to see who's this girl, her eyes widen when she saw the girl in front of her.

“Nayeon?” Nayeon looked at her with shock and panic written all over her face. Suddenly, the guy stands up wiping her own shirt as she looks at Nayeon.

“Aish, you should pay me for ruining my shirt with my own coffee, you're not paying attention while walking!” The guy said as he scratches his own nape irritatedly.

“Hey you, do you know this girl? This girl is not from here, please make her leave in this building immediately.” The guy points at Jeongyeon as she look back and forth at Nayeon and the guy before clearing her throat.

“Yeah, she's my girlfriend so shut up.” Jeongyeon irritatedly answered, leaning down to hold Nayeon in her torso and her back before picking her up in a bridal style, leaving Nayeon with her eyes wide open who's staring at Jeongyeon.

“You shut up! Tell your girlfriend to stop wandering off in this building, y'all going to pay for what you did in my shirt.” The guy protests but Jeongyeon isn't interested, instead, she also get Nayeon's bag to sling around her shoulder before walking away to take Nayeon to the clinic.

Many people are staring at both of them and it makes Nayeon feel anxious as she wraps an arm at Jeongyeon's neck before hiding her face.

Jeongyeon's face turned red and avoiding the weird feeling in her stomach. After minutes of walking, she got inside the clinic and Nayeon felt Jeongyeon bowed to greet the nurse inside, Nayeon on the other hand was placed in a neat white bed as the fresh breeze from the clinic's aircon approaches her face.

It was soothingly comfortable knowing that Nayeon is safe with Jeongyeon yet the pain in her knee took her away from the feeling of calmness.

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