Chapter Eleven: Summer night with you

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Chapter Eleven: Summer night with you

“Why did you do that?” Jeongyeon asked Nayeon with curiosity.

It was a late night in Seoul, when the sun is up it's like frying you up when walking on the street but when the moon is up, the street has lingered with coldness like it's winter. The darkness of alleys, dimmed street lights and few cars were passing by in the middle of the night. For a season like summer that represents heat and hot, summer nights are cold and quiet.

The scenery of the street was a great sweet scene for a couple to have late-night talks, unfortunately for Nayeon and Jeongyeon, they're just friends.

“Wait me here.” Nayeon told Jeongyeon like her own daughter who'll sneak and run away before going inside the convenience store alone.

Jeongyeon didn't mind as she looks up in the sky— the sky is darker than before and has a hint of red indicating that it might rain soon. The wind was also strong, strong enough to send shivers down her spine.

The sound of the wind chimes occurred and it was Nayeon closing the door of the convenience store with two drinks in her hand— a chocolate drink and the other one is a strawberry drink.

“Here.” Nayeon said before sitting on the bench in front of the convenience store as Jeongyeon follows her, imitating Nayeon's action.

“Thanks for the drink but why did you bring me here?” Jeongyeon asks, shaking up her drink in her other hand before putting a straw in it, taking a sip, savoring the taste of sweet chocolate cocoa drink.

“I felt that you feel uncomfortable earlier in the dinner, do you mind telling me why?” Nayeon said without looking at Jeongyeon beside her, stirring her strawberry drink before sipping on it. Both of them looked like elementary students who got lost so they hang out in s convenience store, drinking their favorite flavored drinks.


“What's our deal?” Nayeon cut Jeongyeon off, quick enough to make Jeongyeon sigh because Nayeon didn't give her a chance to refuse.

“It's nothing, really. It's just, look at them— they're so happy with their girlfriends then there's us who they thought were a real couple and turns out we're just fake dating each other to prove my dumb stupid statement; I have a girlfriend.” Jeongyeon rants, instead of being mad or angry, she set aside it and just drank her chocolate drink to cool herself off.

“You know to yourself that that's not the reason why you feel uncomfortable, tell me the truth.” Nayeon said, trying to squeeze out of Jeongyeon the truth since she knows the girl is lying by looking at Jeongyeon.

For her, unlike any other person, Jeongyeon is one of the people that Nayeon can read easily, Jeongyeon is like an open book to her that she's so much interested to read from Nayeon's perspective.

Jeongyeon didn't function for a second, locking down her system at Nayeon's simple statement, ‘Tell me the truth’ is all she has to say but it has a big impact on Jeongyeon. As a Scorpio woman who is very secretive and mysterious, a Virgo like Nayeon is a human lie detector that can see through people's fakeness.

Jeongyeon tried to open her mouth to say something but she closed it immediately, hesitating to open up things to the girl beside her.

“Understandable, it's alright if you can't tell it to me right now but I hope you'll learn to open up more, lack of information and communication can mislead us or worst, misunderstanding. Communication is a key process for us, humans, to interact and share information with each other and that's what I wanted you to learn, Jeongyeon.” Jeongyeon is speechless, she was taken aback at Nayeon who's educating her in the middle of the night, when Nayeon felt that Jeongyeon is staring at her blankly, she flashed her bunny teeth as she hit her arm again.

“Stop staring at me like that! You're really going to melt me at your gaze I know im beautiful, okay?” Nayeon said, standing up before Jeongyeon could ruffle her hair or hit her up Instead, Jeongyeon chuckles to herself, tired at arguing with Nayeon.

“Fine, I'll not going to look at you any more forever and please stop spitting at me it looks like it's going to rain.”

“No stupid, my saliva is too fabulous for you. It's really raining, you bastard.” Nayeon hit her in the head, making Jeongyeon scratch her nape.

She was right, it was raining.

At first, it's just tiny droplets of water are falling from above and then the heavy rainfall, Jeong has to grab Nayeon in her hand before running off in the street like some cop is chasing them. She ran to the nearest waiting shed before examining Nayeon's body, her bunny teeth are still flashing and her hair and clothes are wet from the rain.

“Isn't that fun?” Nayeon asks Jeongyeon while laughing, hugging herself before sitting on the bench.

“No, I supposed to be at home at this time, sleeping at peace but you brought me to the convenience store instead and now we're stuck here until the rain calms down, we didn't bring an umbrella.” Jeongyeon scoffed but Nayeon just shrugs it off and hits her shoulder.

“Admit it, we looked like a couple.” She said, blowing raspberries at Jeongyeon who doesn't give a shit. A line of lightning brighten up the street for a second before loud thunder roars in the sky, Nayeon flinched in her seat, holding on Jeongyeon's clothed wrist which she noticed.

“You're afraid of thunders?”

“N-No, it's just cold.”

“It doesn't buy me~ Aww, isn't Nayeonie scared of thunderstorms? Huhu.” Jeongyeon teases the helpless Nayeon who throws her a bad finger before looking away as another thunder occurs, making her flinch in her seat once again and Jeongyeon noticed it this time, the granny is really afraid of thunders.

“Come here.” She said, grabbing Nayeon by her arm to stand up, she pulls Nayeon closed to her as she wraps an arm around her torso.

“Better?” Jeongyeon asks but Nayeon is madly blushing, it looks like they're one in the Kdrama series that Nayeon loves to watch.

“You're also cold too, what the fuck Nayeon why did you even dress up in a halter neck— You know that it's going to be freezing cold at night and now it's raining so it'll be extra cold, jeez granny.” Jeongyeon scolded the older one, pulling up her hoodie before putting it on Nayeon.

Luckily, Jeongyeon still has a shirt inside the hoodie, it was an oversized one and since Jeongyeon is slightly a bit taller than Nayeon, the girl looks like wearing her dad's clothes.

“So? Do you feel warm now?” Jeongyeon asks, checking on Nayeon if she still shivers or what. Nayeon didn't respond, her mind is focused on Jeongyeon's scent in her hoodie, the smell of sweet cream and muskwood lingers in her nose, she could also smell the faint chocolate drink that Jeongyeon drank a while ago— plus the soft fluffy cotton textured in the inside of the hoodie made her feel like she's at home, the warmth enveloped her body as she looks at Jeongyeon, nodding her head happily.

“I like it.” Nayeon said with her brightest smile.

With Nayeon wearing her own favorite hoodie, it doesn't help Jeongyeon at all because it looks so cute in her. It makes Jeongyeon feel something weird and unfamiliar feeling in her stomach, it wasn't so bad for Jeongyeon, and instead, she likes what she's feeling for the first time.

The feeling that only Nayeon can give it to her. (Although Nayeon annoys the shit out of her like she wanted to throw her out of the window)

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