Chapter Fifteen: POV

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Chapter Fifteen: POV

“Where are you going?” Nayeon asks when Jeongyeon is still following her instead of parting ways.

“I'm taking you home you don't want it? It's night now idiot it's dangerous walking alone.” Jeongyeon answered as it makes Nayeon's heart flutter when Jeongyeon is being sweet like today.

I'm gеtting used to receiving

Still gеtting good at not leaving

“You know, I didn't have a girlfriend.” Jeongyeon broke the silence as Nayeon looks at her quickly.


“Yeah, no boyfriend and girlfriend since birth.”

I'ma love you even though I'm scared

Learnin' to be grateful for myself

“How about you?”

“It's kinda complicated, Yoo. Though it's nothing serious really, I just think some alone time is great.” Nayeon muttered, Jeongyeon doesn't know why but her heart ache all of a sudden.

“The thing is— when I feel uncomfortable last time when you first met my friends, that time when we ate at the Japanese restaurant, it's just im feeling so lonely. I really don't know why, I have my friends and you but I still feel empty inside.” Jeongyeon opened up as Nayeon look at her with sadness.

“It's like im looking for something. . . like— Wait! I know that this will be cheesy or cringe but it's like im desperate to be loved by someone, while looking at Sana, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Mina, I feel so left out. I'm not jealous of their affections and attention with each other but im jealous that they have someone to hold on, to lean on, to cry on. . . Which I never had.” Jeongyeon added.

You love my lips 'cause they say the

Things we've always been afraid of

“Do you like someone?” Nayeon asks, Jeongyeon look at her in the eyes. It was a shiny pearl in the moonlight, the beautiful orbs in her eyes.

“No. . . But im glad that I have you even if you're such a brat.” Jeongyeon smiles.

I can feel it startin' to subside

Learnin' to believe in what is mine

The wind howls, making Nayeon's scarf loosen in her neck and flew with the wind, luckily Jeongyeon was there to catch it.

I wanna love me

The way that you love me

Ooh, for all of my pretty

And all of my ugly too

I'd love to see me from your point of view

“You're so clumsy putting on your scarf, it's loose in your neck— Here let me put it on to you.” Jeongyeon said, leaning close to Nayeon, close enough to make Nayeon's breath hitched. She can feel Jeongyeon's warmth with how close Jeongyeon is to her warm hand and the scarf envelopes in her neck.

“There, are you feeling better now?” Jeongyeon asks, even if she's done putting the scarf on Nayeon, she still doesn't pull away, still holding her in the shoulder.

Nayeon nodded, blushing hard with the action and Jeongyeon can visibly see it so she placed her palm in Nayeon's cheek, caressing it.

I wanna trust me

The way that you trust me

Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do

Nobody pulled away from each other, under the dimmed street light, in the middle of the street with cold hair wandering around them, both of them are staring at each other.

They can feel their own hearts pounding, pounding so loud that it looks like they can also hear it.

“Can I?” Jeongyeon asks. Asking permission from Nayeon even if she didn't exactly complete her statement, Nayeon nodded without any hesitation.

Jeongyeon leaned to Nayeon, capturing her soft lips.

Savoring the sweet feeling they have now as Nayeon wraps her arms around Jeongyeon's shoulder, pulling her closer to her.

Enjoying the sweet moments that they share with each other.

I'd love to see me from your point of view.

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