Chapter Seventeen: In Love

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Chapter Seventeen: In Love

When Dahyun, Sana, Chaeyoung, and Mina opened the door to the trio's dorm, Jeongyeon on the sofa eating strawberry cheesecake ice cream caught their attention— They never imagined Jeongyeon eating other flavors of ice cream except for chocolate.

“Hi unnie, are you alright?” Chaeyoung said, sitting beside Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon just nodded, taking a scoop of ice cream in her spoon before eating it.

“How odd, you never liked strawberry shortcake like your sister.” Dahyun added, sitting beside Jeongyeon.

“How do you know guys if you're in love with someone?” Jeongyeon asks, staring blankly. The other four exchanged looks at each other before looking at Jeongyeon.

“When she makes you feel weird like butterflies in her stomach.” Check.

“When you feel comfortable and safe around her.” Check.

“When she's suddenly gone for a second but you missed her like crazy.” Check.

“When she's being clingy around you.” Check.

“Why unnie? Are you cheating on, Nayeon?” Mina asks when Jeongyeon suddenly looks at her, shaking her head.

“No, why would I do that?”

“Because Nayeon hasn't really gone out in her room for the past week. I thought both of you fought after you guys date.” Mina explained with Chaeyoung wrapping an arm around her lover's waist.

“Could I tell you guys something?” The gang didn't respond, a go sign for Jeongyeon to continue what she's going to say.

“I really don't have any girlfriend. . . Nayeon is just a friend that I accidentally met when Dahyun and Sana saw me in the convenience store, we're fake dating each other, im sorry.” Jeongyeon utterly, looking away from her friends' stares at her.

“Why did you lie?” Sana asks worriedly.

“Because I was afraid that if I tell you that I don't have any love life, all of you will going to make fun of me or set me up on blind dates. . . Especially when you guys know that I didn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend since birth.” Jeongyeon feels so small around them, she feels like she let them down with her mistake.

“Unnie, you shouldn't have lie. We're not going to judge you and besides, we're friends, you should've told us than lying.” Chaeyoung said with a hint of disappointment lingered in her voice.

“I know and im sorry, now it's just. . . The date— We kissed after the date and now. . . I think im wrong— That I thought she liked me too but. . . She didn't contact me for a week and I missed her so much it just hurts.” Jeongyeon stammer with her voice cracking, Dahyun leaned to her and hug the older one tightly.

“Unnie, you loved her. You loved Nayeon unnie.” She mutters as Jeongyeon nodded, looking down in her lap with her strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

‘I love her.’

Three days passed since Jeongyeon told her friends the truth between her and Nayeon. Her friends were disappointed in her at first for lying but they accepted Jeongyeon too, they can't be mad at their own friend.

Instead, for the last three days, they ensure that Jeongyeon has proper attention and care coming from them.

Today, Jeongyeon decided to visit Nayeon and Mina's dorm to talk to Nayeon since she missed the girl so much and wanted to talk to her about a lot of things, three loud knocks were all she got to do to make Mina open the door widely, greeting her with a smile which Jeongyeon reciprocate before Mina let Jeongyeon inside.

Unfortunately, Mina said that Nayeon is gone today because she goes somewhere else but Jeongyeon is still welcome to come inside Nayeon's room which she did (Even if she looks like she's invading Nayeon's privacy).

The smell of strawberry and cream lingers in Nayeon's room even though the room is still messy, as Jeongyeon closed the door in Nayeon's room, her eyes wander around, seeing the bunny stuff toy that Jeongyeon brought for her after the date and a lot of polaroid pictures of Nayeon, her dogs, Nayeon with Mina and lastly, with her. The pictures were hanged on top of her study desk as Jeongyeon approaches it, smiling at herself for how cute Nayeon is.

Some shiny thing from Nayeon's notebook caught her attention, it was leather with a diamond shape jewel design in the front.

Because of Jeongyeon's curiosity, she picks up the notebook and opened it, seeing it was Nayeon's some kind of notes and diary, her eyes widen when she saw her name.

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