Chapter Nineteen: Start Over

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Chapter Nineteen: Start Over

“What are you doing here? And what are you read— Oh no.” Nayeon quickly ran towards Jeongyeon to get the notebook away from Jeongyeon but Jeongyeon dodges, lifting the notebook higher so Nayeon can't reach it.

“Please.” Nayeon pleaded with her teary eyes but Jeongyeon didn't budge instead she hugs Nayeon, making the girl frozen in her place. When she pulled away, Nayeon is looking at her with mouth agape.

“Why did you avoid me, exactly?” Jeongyeon asks her, wanting to squeeze out Nayeon the truth as Nayeon gulp, biting down in her lower lip.

“Nothing— I-I'm just sick okay? Now give it ba—”

“You love me.”

Jeongyeon cut off Nayeon making the older one look at her intensely, it was true that Nayeon loves her— not just friends but romantically.

Starting when they first met, Nayeon's one and only condition to Jeongyeon was she wants Jeongyeon to be more open and expressive person.

For meeting Jeongyeon for the first time, Nayeon felt that Jeongyeon always suppressed her feelings or thoughts, leaving it deep down inside her. As a psychologist student she wanted to help Jeongyeon out, which worked since throughout their fake dating experience, Nayeon learned a lot of things about Jeongyeon as she can read the younger one's thoughts without expressing and Nayeon learned that being with Jeongyeon for a long time make her fall in love with her.

Nayeon nodded even if Jeongyeon wasn't asking a question.

“Then why did you avoid me?”

“Because I— I'm afraid to commit at someone else again. . . I have a recent trauma from my ex and im still afraid to love and risk for someone again but then you came into my life. . . I thought we'll be just friends but time passed by and I have fallen deeply with you, t-that time when you kissed me after we date, I feel very happy unlike before but I was afraid to hurt you. . . I am afraid to hurt you or break your heart because I can't love you back and I felt so wrong that's why I tried to avoid you for days so I can forget about you but I can't because it just makes me missed you more. Not seeing you for days makes my heart ache so I never left this room and hug the bunny plushie you gave to me because I have a feeling that when I come outside, it's always you that im looking for. When I saw you back in the exhibit I badly yearn for your touch but I was a coward.” Nayeon explained with her shaky broken voice as Jeongyeon hugs her with Nayeon hugging her back, resting her head in Jeongyeon's shoulder as she cries her heart out.

“Do you think I'll just forget about you easily? Do you know how much affection and slaps in the shoulder you gave to me— it's so offending to forget those slaps easily.” Jeongyeon whispered, trying to lift up Nayeon's mood which succeeds because Nayeon chuckles with her tears in her eyes.

“Look, I really don't have any experience with this love or dating but when im with you it's like I know anything— like I know what im doing. You helped me out, granny. I didn't know that fake dating you will lead us here. . . I love you, Nayeon.” Nayeon pulled away with her eyes widen at Jeongyeon's sudden confession.

“A-Are you sure? Yo—”

“We could. . . Try things again Nayeon, you said it yourself that you wanted to help me because I always suppress my own feelings while you're here avoiding me because you suppressed yours. Even if I never dated anyone I want to try with you— I can take risk Nayeon if you give me a chance.” Jeongyeon holds Nayeon's hand, caressing it in a soft matter making Nayeon's heart pound loudly.

“Would you really do that?”

“If you let me, just love me.”

Nayeon looks away first before nodding, it makes Jeongyeon smile to see Nayeon get shy as she pulled Nayeon closed to her, hugging the latter tightly as Nayeon reciprocates it.

“I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too, granny.”

“Oh shut up, doesn't mean that you're dating the most beautiful woman now means you can call me granny.” Nayeon slaps her shoulder which makes Jeongyeon smile, missing the feeling of the girl's mannerism.

“Come on now, stop crying. You look ugly when you cry.” Jeongyeon said pulling away Nayeon to wipe her tears in her eyes, stealing a kiss on the older girl's lip. Both of them giggle like a teenage girl before hugging each other again.

“Did Mina let you come inside my room?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Nothing, I was going to be mad but that's the best thing she did for me to have you back in my arms again.”

And both of them laugh.

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