One week

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One week is all they had, until Josh would leave for America.

"You'll do great there" Cassie said in her most convincing voice as she sat on his bed watching him pack.
"Without you?" He said. Cassie could feel his grin.
"Yes" she answered dangling her feet.
He let out a breath, standing up. He looks her in the eyes and walks to her,grabbing her hands.
"I really don't want to leave" they had had this conversation a billion times.
"I'll visit you" Cassie never understood why he wouldn't go just because of her. She though she was simple, blue eyes and blonde hair. But Josh, oh Josh. He was the most extraordinary person on this planet, with his tan skin and blue hair, his soft laugh while throwing his head back and squinting his eyes. His touch was Cassie's favorite of them all. How only by Josh's touch could make her whole day brighter but at the same time make all the hair on her body rise, her heartbeat quicken, and her cheeks warmer. She didn't want him to go, but she couldn't be selfish. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it would be selfish too keep him for herself in London.
"Your visit isn't enough" he kissed her, holding her tightly. " I need you with me" Cassie buried her face in his chest, hoping they could stay like this forever. "come with me" Cassie's head shot up.
"But, my dad" Cassie had always lived with her father, not mother. she didn't know her.
"He'll be okay, he has Sarah" his wife.
A feeling of sadness spread through Cassie, leaving her father would be hard.
"But i didn't apply"
"We'll find something for you, i know you've said no a million times but, i never want to be without you, i can't stand being without you" neither did Cassie. This was a moment of bravery for her.
"We'll make it work" Josh hugged her even tighter and Cassie swore she could feel a tear drip on the top of her head.
"We'll make it work" he repeated, relieved that now he wouldn't have to spend a moment without her.

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