Little moments

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Beth & Beth

Beth's phone rang at an ungodly hour

"hello?" her voice was croak and her eyes had not gotten enough rest, neither had her mind.

"Beth?" Beth heard on the other end of the line.

"Beth? Is that you?" Beth asked. Some conversations sounded strange between them, having the same name and all.

"Hey, how ya doin?"

"your voice sounds weird" she stated. She laid her head down back onto the light pillow.

The strange voice on the other line sounded like the person had her mouth full. What it could be filled with Beth had no idea and was rather hoping she wouldn't find out.

"I jus came from the dentist" Beth should have known. "I can't feel my mouth" Beth added through the phone.

Phone calls at strange hours wasn't that uncommon between them. Beth never said it but she liked them. Beth also liked their talks at three am, when they'd sit in the bathtub and talk, with coco puffs sitting between them, and taking polaroids. Silence would come between but they'd just enjoy them. It's those little moments Beth enjoyed.

"oh, wow"

"are you home?" Beth asked.

"well, yeah... it's nine in the morning, that's like the middle of the night" Beth rubbed her eyes.

"cool, I'm kinda here"

"What?" Beth sat bolt upright confused

"knock knock" Beth chirped.

Beth threw the covers off her pajama covered body and ran downstairs and Beth was right, half her face couldn't move.

"what the hell happened at the dentist?!"

"the anesthesia didn't work the first three times, but the fourth one did the job." Beth smiled half 'n half.

"Come on" Beth nodded her head towards the kitchen. Her friend walked in and then followed Beth into the kitchen. "can you eat?" Beth asked her friend who was poking her face.

"I don't know.... You wanna find out?"

Beth pulled up a box of coco puffs from her kitchen cupboard, knowing her friend had a bottomless pit for a stomach as she called it, and poured some into separate bowls and filled it with milk.

Beth brought the spoon to her half open mouth, Beth's eyes followed the spoon and watched as the coco puff covered in milk returned to it's bowl after a short visit in Beth's paralyzed mouth.

They had no control of their laughter. Their head were thrown aback and their noses scrunched, their voices raw and fatigue was all but gone.

It was these kinds of days Beth loved, just spending it with her best friend, thinking about everything but not caring for anything, just being together. They've shaped each other so much and always protected each other. They went through everything together, nothing was stronger than them. They felt infinite. Anything that came their way, one by one they'd take it down.

They'd always hold tight onto each other, even with their own demons on their tail, because everything is worth those moments in the bathroom talking with coco puff between them and polaroids that would later be hung on the wall.

A/N was this too confusing? ahah idk, i hope you got it though and a funny thing actually this is a true story, kind of X)

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