A couch covered in tears, loving bodies and a towel

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Jaden & Sky

The rain hadn't stopped pouring and the sky looked so beautiful to Jaden. He had his mind elsewhere than where he needed it to be, it was always with her. A cloud of concern never cleared away, he was concerned about her. She would always distance herself from him, why did she feel so damn burdened by herself? She was a fucking saint in his life and would do anything for her and the last thing he wanted was for her to leave. But she always did, afraid.

Sky's mind was the one thing he wanted to beat because it turned against him

She'd always come back after some time when she explodes, when her mind drains her. She'd knock on his door and he would know. He wanted to yell, yell at her for always leaving him and not loving him enough to stay and tame her mind and know that he loves her so that she doesn't always have to leave because her mind tells her to. But he couldn't do that.

That night when the rain hadn't stopped pouring there was that familiar knock on the door.

Sky stood there in the rain, looking at him with her longing grey eyes.


He didn't let her finish his name. He took her into his arms, he had missed her. The scent of her hair that was now soaking wet from the rain, and how her thumb always rested on his chin and how she held it up when she talked to him came to his mind. That was one of the things he missed. How could her eyebrows have such a natural curve and how did her eyelashess curl so beautifully? How could her body be so fucking perfect but she could find an insecurity in every single corner?

He found her a towel and they sat down on the couch. He placed the towel on her head and slowly and gently started drying her hair.

After a while she placed her hand on his and he stopped drying her hair. Her grey eyes were searching his for a reason.

"I feel so lost in myself" she said

"something is not like it's suppose to be. I constantly struggle to be myself and I don't feel worthy of anything I'm made of" she added on the brink.

"we all feel lost for a while, not everything has to be in order. I mean how are you suppose to find yourself if you don't ever loose yourself? And you weren't made to be wasted, you were made for a purpose and whatever purpose the universe has in store for you it's going to work out. Things may be blurry now and you wish you could turn back time and do a few wrong things right but for now, take one day at a time, don't think too much ahead and try not to doubt yourself. If you need reassurance I'll tell you every single reason why I love you. I'll count every reason even if it takes me months, because there are so many things I love about you,and even if you won't listen, I'll still do it."

She started tearing up.

"and when we're old I'd still be giving you new reasons everyday"

That night they fell asleep on the couch, laying on each other but that only made them feel safe and closer to each other.

Jaden hoped that now, Sky would stay. He hoped he had given her enough reason and assurance to make her stay.

On a couch covered in tears, loving bodies and towels they slept and never let go of each other.

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