Coffee house or tea house?

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"Excuse me, is someone sitting here?" David points to an empty chair sitting lonely straight across from Mona. Only a simple, round table separated them.

"I don't think so" Mona does not look up, she simply sips on her tea. David takes a seat.

"That tea looks dreadful"

"it tastes rather exquisite."

"I prefer cherry wine" She takes a quick look at the bearded, handsome man sitting across from her. His brown eyes mix with the coffee beans all around the small coffee house. "Isn't rather ironic to drink tea in a coffee house?"

"Isn't it rather ironic to order a salad in a burger joint?" He chuckles. He can't keep his eyes off Mona's wavy hair that rests on the table. She never minds to cut it very much, occasionally trims. One single pin keeps her hair from covering those wondrous green eyes.

"Have cats?" He eyed her bracelet hanging loosely around her wrist.

"Take me for a crazy cat lady?" Mona answered smirking. That was her thing. That one smile that drove all the boys crazy.

"David" David announced.

"So David, what brings you to sit across from the strange, crazy cat lady?" Mona says, twirling a blue pen, close by was a pink cat covered notebook.

"What gave it away?" She laughs at his sarcastic comment. Mona started scribbling things down on a paper tissue. Whether it was cats or secrets David didn't know. Mona then grabbed her notebook and little, black bag and walked out. David turned the tissue around.





A series of numbers had been written under the marvelous name. He kept the note and left, unsure of if he still hated tea.

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